Monday, June 03, 2024

Monday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore brings us the sorry tale of MAGA freaks losing it in NYC after the verdict against Mango Mussolini, in which the convicted felon was found guilty on all 34 counts in a hush money election- year payoff to Stormy Daniels...and isn’t it precious for the guy to claim that we should love everyone while also saying “go ‘f’ yourself and your mother” (NSFW/H)...

Update 6/7/24: I see the YouTube "sensibility police" have struck again for the prior clip, which they seem to be doing with ever-greater frequency...ridiculous.

...and Brian Tyler Cohen lets us know that some of the same execrable bipeds I just alluded to are, predictably, trying to dox Judge Merchan, Alvin Bragg, and the trial jurors (Marc Elias is absolutely right about trying to get everyone to tamp down the violent rhetoric, but yeah, good luck with that...and in the matter of how #45’s conviction may affect his polling, I think this is food for thought...this too)...

Update: This too.

...and when it comes to wingnut BS, David Shuster blows up some typically incorrect talking points, specifically related to crime as well as the economy, which is actually doing well under “Dark Brandon”...

...and Mike Figueredo gives us more reasons why every single goddamn Democrat should oppose AIPAC, particularly since that group also embraces Trumpsters, but good luck with that also...of all of the members of “the squad” seeking re-election, Jamaal Bowman and especially Cori Bush have the biggest fights on their hands (Schumer’s “we stand with Israel” clip with “MAGA Mike” made me want to puke, as did Nikki Haley’s little “bomb” message)...I think Figueredo goes a little hard on Jill Biden to be honest, but yeah, I have to admit that he does have a bit of a point (NSFW/H also)...

...and the following clip from More Perfect Union discusses what it’s really like to work at Apple...looks like a facility in Towson, MD voted to join a union a couple of years ago, but the company is dragging its feet every way possible to avoid entering into serious negotiations, even to the point of proposing new benefits but saying, “well, because you have this union here, we can’t implement these benefits,” which is illegal as hell according to Biden’s NLRB (one of the many reasons to support #46 is that none of us can imagine how corrupt that agency would be in a disastrous return of Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence)..

...and you can chalk this up as another newer tune I’ve been meaning to get to – kind of a nice, little tribute clip, and we find out the details at the end.

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