Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Tuesday Stuff

Ali Velshi gives us a bit of a history lesson on immigration going back about 100 years or so...“America must be kept American” according to President Coolidge in ’23, keeping out Asians more than any other group, though they weren’t the only ones...Velshi uses some pretty solid economic arguments to support his claim as to how necessary immigration is to maintain our quality of life in this country, aside from the arguments about altruism and basic human decency...important to remind us all about this while the “party of Lincoln,” led by their convicted felon of a presidential candidate, screeches exactly the opposite...didn’t see Velshi’s follow-up segment (and BTW, The Great Depression didn't hit until 1929)...

...and John and Yasmin Khan tell us that “the land of the yellow rose” is trying to get laws passed mandating the death penalty for abortions despite polling to the contrary, along with a ban on in vitro fertilization, and also requiring bible study for elementary school kids...The Eternal Molly Ivins once referred to Greg Abbott-stan as the breeding ground for bad government, or words to that effect, and I see absolutely nothing that would make me change my opinion on that (more here)...

...and Trae Crowder informs us that the wingnuts are still contorting themselves to try and justify the actions of Our Treasonous Orange Pustule – more here ("All pride, no shame - what else needs to be said" indeed...NSFW/H)...

...and Anthony Vincent Gallo (I think that's his name) of Occupy Democrats reminds us that litigation is still ongoing across multiple states concerning the fake electors scheme in ’20...even though our beyond a joke “fourth estate” is paying little heed to that story as well as others that cast the “R” party in a negative light, we need to be mindful of this heinous garbage...

...but if you’re in the mood for news that’s actually good (and who isn’t), Farron Cousins tells us that Minnesota just passed a law making book bans illegal, as opposed to the idiocy going on in red states...

...and I have only this to say to the son of Repug U.S. House rep John Rose; a grateful nation thanks you :- )...I wouldn’t be surprised if someone approaches him with an offer for a late-night talk show after this...

...and Beau gives us an update on Marjorie Traitor Greene’s antics during the hearing with Dr. Fauci, to say nothing of Greene’s same-party playmates...one of Beau's many good points is that, if the “lab leak theory” stuff was somehow ever proven to be right, then #45 withholding funds from the WHO to try and contain the leak makes Dementia J. Trump look even MORE culpable...

...and I thought this was kind of a dreamier newer tune, which works for the summer as far as I’m concerned (and I’ll be getting into more seasonal selections before long).

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