Monday, June 10, 2024

Monday Stuff

David Pakman lets us know in this clip that Steve Bannon pretty much ran out of delaying tactics to keep himself out of the slammer, so now he’s availing himself of municipal accommodations as the price for his fealty to a certain Treasonous Orange Pestilence...

Update 6/12/24: Wingnut tears always taste delicious (here).

...and as long as we’re dealing with Our Ochre Abomination, I have to say that I was wondering if anybody in the “fourth estate” was actually going to call out the leader of Cult 45 for his call to get elected so his ol’ buddy Vlad The Butcher would supposedly free Murdoch Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, and Chris Hayes commendably did so...props to him, and for linking this sorry episode to Nixon’s trickery to scuttle the Paris peace talks before the ’68 election, as well as the deceit of The Sainted Ronnie R and his allies to keep our hostages in Iran and get Jimmy Carter voted out of office...

...and Jesse Dolllemore tells us about more insane, utterly stoo-pid lies from Generalissimo (And Convicted Felon) Trump at another one of these seemingly never-ending Charlie Kirk/Turning Point U.S.A. gatherings, one spiced up with a guttural curse word from this allegedly presidential individual (spoken in a church, no less, and cheered on by the life forms in attendance as noted here – NSFW/H)...

...and in other political news, Mike Figueredo lets us know that Mondaire Jones, former member of “the squad” in the U.S. House, basically stabbed Jamaal Bowman in the back to try and help Jones’s thin electoral looks like Jones is trying to position himself as a “best bud” of “Bibi,” but as Figueredo points out, Jones’s congressional opponent Mike Lawler has beaten him to the proverbial punch on that one with laws not allowing criticism on Israel...and I agree that George Latimer looked pretty pathetic ignoring the queer individual asking him about returning campaign donations from people/groups who also support Dementia J. Trump (and “full Fetterman,” huh? Well...NSFW/H also)...

...and a hat tip goes out to Crooks and Liars for the reminder that yesterday marked the 70th anniversary of the confrontation between Sen. Joe McCarthy and U.S. Army lawyer Joseph Welch, in which Welch famously asked McCarthy “Have you no sense of decency, sir” (a question that we could ask a lot of politicians in this moment IMO, but I digress)...Welch was standing up for a lawyer named Fred Fisher, who had been unfairly attacked like so many others at the hands of McCarthy and his hatchet man Roy Cohn (here)...

Update 6/22/24: Looks like lying Monica is looking for a participation trophy here.

...and I was sorry to hear this about guitar legend Robin wishes for a full recovery.

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