Saturday, June 15, 2024

Saturday Stuff

(Pictured above are the victims of the Las Vegas mass shooting, which prompted the bump stock ban...more here).

Jose Diaz-Balart of MSNBC speaks with retired ATF agent Jim Cavanaugh about the SCOTUS bump stock ruling (“horrible” and “nonsensical” are pretty good descriptions for starters far as I’m concerned, if our media would publish photos of people victimized by these weapons of death, this discussion would be over in a hurry and legislation banning bump stocks would be passed faster than a fart, you might say...more here)...

...and Francesca, John, and especially Cenk of TYT give us their analysis of this legal disaster...glad John pointed out Sonia Sotomayor’s dissent which she read from the bench, which is about as much of an “FU” as is allowed for The Supremes...the opinion is tragically wrong when it comes to the operation of this instrument of utter carnage, and though I’m definitely not a legal scholar, it was apparently totally wrong on the law also (I wonder if we’re going to find out subsequent to this that Thomas was also gifted by Armalite or Smith and Wesson...wouldn’t surprise me in the least...shocked to give credit to #45, but the ATF under his awful purview did indeed do something right, albeit the bare minimum on this issue)...

...and Jason Johnson, sitting in for Chris Hayes, speaks with Dem CT U.S. Senator Chris Murphy about what we SHOULD be doing in response to garbage rulings like this, which is to push for a code of ethics for SCOTUS justices at a minimum...I would also argue for 10-year term limits and mandatory retirement at 70, but yeah, that will happen when the sky is full of lollipops and flying unicorns, I know...and this is a comparatively minor point, but I believe the death toll from the Las Vegas shooting was 58...

...and speaking of guns, David Pakman tells us that A Certain Treasonous Orange Pestilence (who apparently really “killed it” recently in a meeting with CEOs...not!) has a gun in Flori-DUUUH!, even though he’s a convicted felon...just about everyone else in this situation would go immediately to jail, do not pass GO, do not collect $200 (dated boomer reference...sorry), but of course, since we’re talking about Bronzer Beelzebub, not so much...

...and sticking with Mango Mussolini, even Chris Cillizza (who’s a charter member of the political/media/industrial complex as far as yours truly is concerned) has apparently had enough of his “fourth estate” brethren trying to find new and gut-churning ways to try and normalize Combover Caligula...when you’ve lost Cillizza, you’ve REALLY crossed the Rubicon, you might say...

...and if you think this latest sorry episode in our wretched history of caving in to the ammo-sexuals out there calls for another damn anti-gun song, then you guessed right.

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