Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

(Oh, and by the way, when it comes to presidential family members accused of or prosecuted for alleged or actual illegal behavior, I’ll care about this if and when we as a nation ever decide to get serious about this and this.)

To begin, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that it looks like “Strip Search Sammy” Alito got suckered in a bit by Lauren Windsor, posing as some conservative activist, and Alito buying in hook, line and sinker (and I have no problem with Windsor doing that, by the way, given the garbage from James O’Keefe and Project Veritas)..and “Hangin’ Judge” JR looks slightly more reasonable here, though as Cohen correctly IMO points out, Roberts kind of blithely disregards the utter wreckage that has taken place during his era on the High Court (and based on this, Martha-Ann Alito may be nuttier than her old man)...

...and NEVER forget who was responsible for making sure Alito ended up on The Supremes...

...and this clip from Beau is truly depressing, but I’m sure he’s right...I don’t want to imagine what passes for thought processes on the part of people who actually think that someone like Bo-Bo Boebert is any kind of a serious politician (and yes, a “serious politician” is an actual thing, such as the terrific state rep and state senator for the district in which we reside), but apparently, there are bipeds out there with what must be barely functioning brain synapses who apparently are going to send this guttural harpie back to Washington so she can play act at being an actual U.S. House Rep for two more years (and believe me when I tell you that I want to be wrong about that)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us about the American College of Pediatricians, which sounds completely respectable but is in fact a hate group as designated by the SPLC; they pretend to be a reputable medical org, but in this latest ridiculously cruel instance, they call for a ban on all medical care of any type for trans youth and adults...important to differentiate between this group of hacks and frauds and the American Academy of Pediatrics, which is completely reputable as Figueredo points out (NSFW/H)...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report tell us that it looks like Alex Jones is going to have to completely liquidate to pay the $1.5 billion Sandy Hook settlement, including giving up Infowars in all likelihood...awesome! And boy, is Sam ever right about Ground News...

...and I'm in a mood for a summer tune, and this came immediately to mind.

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