Monday, April 04, 2022

Monday Stuff

Chris Hayes brings us the latest on Ginni Thomas and her possible role in the hiring and firing of the grifters and various other hangers-on in the Trump admin, as well as the “running with one leg” quote from her husband Almost Silent Clarence Thomas, shedding some light on her influence – interesting differentiation between “Goldwater Republicans” and the Birchers...I realize that difference was once a “thing,” but it is no longer...the report also provides some background on “Lifespring” and how they manipulated people, including Thomas apparently, though she seemed to break free from it but turned from following one wrong-headed ideology blindly to doing the same for another one that was just as bad, if not worse...

...and since it’s another day with a “y” in it, it’s time to report on yet another mass shooting in this country, this time in Sacramento, where 6 have been killed and 10 injured – more here (community activist Barry Accius is interviewed)...

Update 4/5/22: And sticking with "crime blotter" stuff, I have to say that I wasn't surprised to hear this.

...and this DW report includes Craig Crowther reporting on Ukrainians fleeing the besieged city of Mariupol, along with a first-person account with resident Mariia Sirychenko and correspondent Amien Essif...

(And by the way, I know we basically don’t do self-reflection very well when it comes to coddling some of the worst regimes on earth, but for obvious reasons, we shouldn’t let Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Former “President” off the hook when it comes to dealing with Putin (given the horrors revealed here and here). And by the way, don’t think for a minute that I’m absolving Former President Highest Disapproval Rating In Gallup Poll History either, and that goes for President Hopey Changey too.)

...and returning to this country, Joy Reid brings us more on Repug U.S. House Rep Madison Cawthorn’s claim about D.C. coke orgies, or whatever that mess was (but yeah, unfortunately, this report quite rightly takes Merrick Garland’s DOJ to task...and I admit I didn’t have a clue as to what a “key bump” of cocaine was...and yeah, I know I'm a little late with this)...

...and Farron Couisns brings us the truly great news of Florida judge Mark Walker ruling that that state’s voting law was racist, and for that reason Walker re-enjoined Florida to the preclearance provisions of the Voting Rights Act (more here)...yeah, I’m sure there will be more to this as the “party of Lincoln” continues fighting this ruling in the courts...if this gets to the SCOTUS, which is a real possibility, it will be darkly humorous watching the High Court tying itself into legal knots imposing federal will on behalf of the “party of states rights” considering that this is the same court who basically vacated the federal role in its horrendous Bush v. Gore ruling...

...and this TYT clip tells us about the pot decriminalization bill that recently passed the U.S. House (with Bri-Fi voting No of course...more important to keep anyone inclined not to vote for the Repugs cycling in and out of our corrections system I guess as far as he’s concerned...John, Francesca and Adrienne Lawrence tell us about it...and by the way, when it comes to drugs, it should be noted that all 3 sorry U.S. House Republicans included in the clip – Buddy Carter of GA, Gym Jordan, and the incredibly-inaptly-named Bob Good – all voted against capping the cost of insulin at $35 as noted here)...

Update: In response to this, I just wish that Matt Gaetz would shut his pie hole and only comment on stuff he actually knows about, such as underage sex trafficking (allegedly of course).

Update 4/5/22: I think this is an apt response to this garbage human being from Florida (and if Gaetz ever saw combat for real, outsaide of the cushy confines of Capitol Hill, he's soil himself).

...and I know I linked to this earlier, but once more, here is David Doel bringing us the great news of the successful vote to unionize the Amazon Staten Island warehouse (and yeah, if Jim Cramer is crying over it, you know it’s a good thing)...

...and today is the 54th anniversary of the assassination of MLK, which immediately brings this tune to mind.

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