Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Hey Democrats...while you’re busy bugging the living crap out of me for $$ by phoning me and texting me nonstop, why don’t you try showing a freaking spine to save our democracy by coming up with ads like this, calling out The Swanson TV Dinner Heir, Bannon and Combover Caligula (yes, I know The Lincoln Project is basically a bunch of grifting Republicans from an earlier era, but they’re doing good work yet again)...

...and on the subject of wingnut propaganda, Chris Wallace confirms once more why he left The Roger Ailes BS Factory (John and Francesca tell us more)...

...and in keeping with the theme of media idiocy, I guess you can consider this video to be a “clearing house” of sorts when it comes to the latest totally fake wingnut “scandals” (including AT&T bailing on OAN – sounds like a rare bit of corporate sanity prevailed for a change...you truly can’t be considered to be part of conservative media unless you nursing a grievance or peddling some kind of fake “outrage”...Caroline Johnson tells us more)...

...and speaking of Dems who are often too damn feckless for their own good (referencing the first clip), Sam and Emma tell us how the “D” party should HAMMER the Repugs over their apparent universal opposition (on the Judiciary Committee anyway) to Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson (including Huckleberry Graham, who does indeed "give away the game" a bit here...and yeah, I don’t give a crap about this alleged cordiality between the Dems and the “party of Lincoln,” even though it sounds like Murkowski, the Mittster and “disappointed” Collins may actually do the right thing...but I’m not holding my breath)...

...and sticking with the life forms on Capitol Hill, this Meidas Touch video tells us about 193 U.S. House Republicans who voted against capping the price of insulin (I know I alluded to this a bit yesterday, including this insufferable POS from Florida, but I think it bears repeating)...Bri-Fi voted Yes to be fair, but he also voted against the Dems’ bill on pot decriminalization...

...and in response to alleged wingnut umbrage over “woke” Disney (anything to avoid dealing with issues of actual substance such as our planet melting from climate change, taking care of families and kids, common sense gun laws, staying out of women’s healthcare, etc.), Stephen Colbert gives us this (and I thought this was a good comeback from "the city that never sleeps"...high time for Mayor Eric Adams to actually do something right)...

...and I’d like to more or less end this post with some good news, and with that in mind, David Doel tells us about the “opt out” app available on Apple and coming to the Google Play store on Android...Alex Kotch tells us more...

...and happy 80th birthday to Allan Clarke of The Hollies.

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