Friday, April 01, 2022

Friday Stuff

Ana of TYT (with Farron Cousins) tells us about the 5 remains of fetuses found at the home of D.C. anti-abortion activist Lauren Handy (and boy, is Ana ever right about abortion, the evangelicals and The Sainted Ronnie R – in fact, I’ll go back even further than that and lump in the Catholic Church right after Roe v. Wade in ’73, which – again – is likely to be blown to bits by the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR this June...discussion ends by pointing out once more that the evangelicals and right-wing politicians, as Ana says, don’t give a damn about you unless you’re rich, and that especially counts for kids)...

...and sticking with domestic matters, Trae Crowder reminds us about Mango Mussolini and the 7 ½ hour gap in the White House phone records during the 1/6 insurrection, along with the burner phone stuff (NSFW/H)...

...(oh, and like you I’m sure, I’ve heard an awful lot about the potential tragedy of Republicans taking over the House this fall; if somehow that miserable event comes to pass, do you think there’s a snowball’s chance that legislation like trying to cap the price of insulin would even be introduced, let alone pass...and Bri-Fi voted for it because, though he’s a thoroughly compromised right-wing shill, he’s also not a total idiot...more here and here...oh, and the 1/6 commission would be dissolved also, probably just for kicks as far as Kevin McCarthy and his pals are concerned)...

...and sticking with health care, David Doel brings us yet another great Katie Porter moment, this time using her whiteboard to demonstrate during a meeting with a health insurance industry executive how much they charge for advertising and other admin expenses versus traditional Medicare, which charges virtually nothing, rightly using that as an argument for Medicare for All (Medicare doesn't need to because the plan coverages are more reliable, to say nothing of costing less versus a private insurer)...

...and David Pakman sounds the alarm a bit also, quite correctly pointing out that democracy is in peril if Repugs take the House, with Pakman also noting the apparent total inaction of Merrick Garland to show any urgency at all at prosecuting the 1/6 criminals along with the Dems’ usual inability to engage their base on policy and messaging ...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us the story of this idiot Republican Missouri state senator Elaine Gannon, telling us how Gannon basically harangued a 14-year-old trans kid; that speech by the kid’s mother Debi Jackson is one of the most courageous statements I’ve ever seen (yesterday was the International Trans Day of Visibility – sorry I’m a little late on that)...

...and I need kind of a cool newer tune to help me decompress as we head into the weekend - hopefully this will suffice for you also.

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