Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday Stuff

Beau of the Fifth Column leads off with the latest report on warming at the Arctic and Antarctic poles; gee, maybe we ought to do something about this climate change thing, huh? And with all due respect to Beau, climate is different from weather...

...and this Rebel HQ clip with Jessica Burbank lets us know that, yes, Rand Paul is a total dope, Part The Infinity as Charlie Pierce might say, and of course he runs kicking and screaming to Fix Noise where he can bloviate and the news mannequins on that network won’t give him any push back at all, and this time of course the subject is COVID-19 (and oh yeah, I’ve got a few G’s just collecting dust in my pocket, so I’ll just go get some monoclonal antibodies if I get ‘Rona as opposed to getting vaxxed and boosted and wearing a piece of cloth on my face, OK?)...

...and John and Francesca of The Damage Report compare the Ketanji Brown Jackson SCOTUS hearings with the process of screening and holding hearings for “I Like Beer” Kavanaugh (the double standard is enough to make you throw up in your mouth IMO)...

...and Joy Reid interviews Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, who “brings the receipts” on Leonard Leo, The Federalist Society and the three SCOTUS justices who they promoted, timed for the Ketanji Brown Jackson hearings of course (actually, all 6 conservative justices either belong to The Federalist Society or did at one time...I hope Whitehouse serves in the Senate for many more years because I don’t know anybody else who has “cracked the code” on this issue like he has)...

...and with the mercury taking a dive big time in these parts (recalling the Beau clip somewhat), I had this comedy bit from “back in the day” very much in mind...

...and speaking of Saturday Night Live, RIP drummer Taylor Hawkins of The Foo Fighters (and nobody was slapped during this performance, I should note – and then Smith was rewarded with an Oscar and a standing “O” later...GMAFB! And somewhere, a wingnut is screeching, "See, I told you about black-on-black crime!").

Update: For real.

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