Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Wednesday Stuff

Chris Hayes spoke with Dem U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse about the testimony of FBI Director Chris Wray, with Whitehouse saying that Wray shall we say this...less than forthright in his dealings with Whitehouse and other U.S. Senate Dems (here)...

...and sticking with the Wray testimony, I’m sure we can “appreciate the concern” of those traitors Mike Lee and, especially, Josh Hawley also (here)...

..and while we're looking at “the world’s greatest deliberative body” (please), Ana and Francesca of TYT tell us about Joe Manchin flipping out when he was asked about the filibuster – at this point, I just want Manchin to lose when he runs for re-election, and I just about don’t care any more if that means it becomes an R seat...I know that’s the wrong attitude, but I’m already beyond fed up with Manchin and Sinema...Manchin is at least a hard-nosed pol who knows how to play the game, though the way he does so is infuriating, but Sinema is just a clueless neophyte...

Update 3/5/21: When Sinema's primary challenger is announced, I'd like to know as soon as possible so I can make a contribution (here - if Schumer were any kind of a leader of the Dem caucus, he would zero out her entire budget for this).

...and John of “The Damage Report” tells us that Merck and J&J are teaming up on the COVID vaccine; yeah, obviously, Trump is blameworthy for basically not doing squat on this for four years, and it kind of makes me wonder a bit too about what kind of behind-the-scenes deal was struck here with Biden, though I emphasize that that's just supposition on my part...maybe Viviana Vigil is being a bit alarmist, but I have a feeling she’s right too...

...and yeah, it looks like, fresh off that state’s energy-related calamity, it looks like Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just wants to kill more of the citizens of "the land of the yellow rose," as Farron Cousins tells us...

...and I was glad to see Philly music titans Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff get the NYT profile they richly deserved here - here is one of my favorite covers of one of Philly International's legendary tunes (from another Philly area notable & his former band).

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