Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Wednesday Stuff


Jayar Jackson of “The Young Turks” dissects the recent speech from Repug U.S. Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, along with Cenk (always running that game of trying to sound palatable somehow in between the crazy nonsense - by the way, to help TYT, click here...tyt dot com slash go)...

...and Thom Hartmann gives us yet another timely history lesson on the GOP stoking fear from Nixon to Reagan to Our Treasonous Orange Pustule...and yeah, don’t think 45 and his gang of miscreants and lowlifes aren’t going to try and use the economic crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic to try and get rid of the payroll tax and thus “knee cap” Social Security (here), which, as Thom says, is something the “party of Lincoln” has been trying to accomplish for about, oh, the last 70 years or so...

...and Sam and Jamie of “The Majoirty Report” tell us about Mango Mussolini’s latest attempt to fear monger to suburban women voters (“Who doesn’t love a fig leaf?” – there are so many other ways this idiotic lummox could have riled up his beloved base on this issue to give himself and his party cover, but as noted in the video, he’s too dumb fortunately to even know how to do that...I wish I had a nickel for every time I heard Republicans get the vapors about Section 8 housing when I was growing up in the Philly suburbs)...

...oh, but the Gropenfuhrer hires “the best people”...uh huh, suuuure...

...and I suppose one of those “best people” would be Kellyanne Conjob...I hope everything works out with her family, but otherwise, this harlequin gets not one spec of sympathy from addition to all the Trumpian crap we’ve had to endure from her, I saw her act on “Real Time with Bill Maher” enough to become just about physically nauseated...

...and I know I’m a little late on this clip of Postmaster General Louis DeJoy quite rightly getting interrogated from Dem U.S. House Rep Stephen Lynch, who of course, being the liar he is (DeJoy I mean) casually disregards what Lynch says (pretty much trying to run out the clock on Lynch’s allotted five minutes – and I wonder why that is exactly? Why shouldn’t DeJoy have been grilled for longer than that? Since they’re in the majority, don’t the Dems make up the rules on stuff like this?)...

...and yeah, it looks like Our Tiny-Handed Russian Operative in An Oval Office is building his damn wall after all...

...and yeah, I guess this pretty much says it, right?

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