Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Tuesday Stuff

This might be the best (and scariest) video I’ve yet seen of what you might call the “rabid underbelly” of Trumpism, on full display to the world this week unfortunately (YouTube flagged this clip as “inappropriate or offensive” – sorry you're so offended by the actual truth)…

...though, as John and Francesca Fiorentini of "The Damage Report" tell us, the goal, if you want to call it that, of this Republican convention will be to install Dear Leader as the nominee and probably accomplish not much else ("Uday and Qusay" - funny)...

…and with all of the garbage people inhabiting this administration (Pence, Giuliani, Mnuchin, Kushner, Ivanka, McEnany, DeJoy), it’s not hard to lose sight of Betsy DeVos, but she’s right up there on this list of miscreants too (and trying to unseat Gary Peters too by supporting this guy - to help Peters, click here)…

...and Paul Romer is my latest hero du jour for this exchange with that guttersnipe Stuart Varney (right out of the Roger Ailes playbook - keep interrupting the guy when he's trying to make a point...Varney is such a POS...and by the way, here is a lie from Larry Kudlow and here is a lie from Stephen Moore - could probably have found many others, but life is short)...

Update: And here is another Kudlow lie.

...and apparently, police shooting dogs is an actual thing in Detroit (a disturbing clip)…just no words at a certain point; the giveaway for me is the reaction of the woman in the video like “here we go again” (glad David Doel brings a little more clarity to the “Defund the Police” slogan, which I still don’t like, though I agree with the goal behind it)…

...and happy 66th birthday to The Living Elvis.

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