Friday, August 28, 2020

Friday Stuff

(As far as I'm concerned, Generalissimo Trump should be voted out of office for this image alone. It's not just the White House for Republicans. It's not the White House for Democrats. It's not the White House for Independents. It's the White House for EVERYONE!)

I might as well get the bad news out of the way first, though, and that is this clip from Ana and John of TYT.

I hope to God that the alleged geniuses at the DNC pay attention to this; if Biden/Harris think they’re going to win running on empty platitudes, they (and the rest of us) are going to be in for a rude shock on November 4th.

That gang of Trump supporters won’t budge (that usual 30 percent or so, and I’ll never understand how these people sleep at night, but somehow they do...I’m looking at you, Wrightstown and Buckingham, PA in these parts...I’m sure those obnoxious Trump/Pence signs will appear all around your McMansions any day now), and unless Biden/Harris figure out a way to build a coalition of younger and older voters and independents...well, we're just not going to win, unfortunately (to say nothing of this, which is a whole other discussion). You’ve got to make the case to the voters of this country that their lives will be materially better with Democrats in the White House. And oh yeah, Our Orange Pustule also has the power of incumbency on his side, so he can set the agenda, which, sadly in this case, is a formidable weapon.

The climate crisis (and a video on that will appear shortly) should be enough. It isn’t. Our horrific support of the genocide in Yemen should be enough. It isn’t. Kids separated from their families (and no, lying wingnuts, they weren’t separated under Obama) and kept in cages on our border should be enough. It isn’t. Hurricane Maria’s devastation in Puerto Rico should be enough. It isn’t. North Korea and that country’s nuclear threat should be enough. It isn’t. And oh yeah, this (including racial intolerance in our criminal justice system) should be enough. It isn’t. Also, Russians targeting our military for assassination should be enough also (you would think, right?). It isn't. And as far as I'm concerned, trying to start a war with Iran for reasons that made the Gulf of Tonkin resolution look like a model of statesmanship (as well as arbitrarily killing an Iranian military mastermind, even though he was one of the very worst of international actors) should be still more reasons. They aren't.

And oh yeah, you would also think the threat of a 6-3 conservative Supreme Court majority instead of the current 5-4 ratio would be scary enough (I wish RBG would live forever, but she won't), along with the prospect of 45 trying to destroy Social Security by eliminating the payroll tax. See refrain above.

The disastrous non-response of our ruling federal regime to the COVID-19 pandemic should be enough. Well, we’re finding out that that isn’t either. Will the worst economic contraction since The Great Depression be enough? I don’t know the answer to that. And despite what they may say publicly, the DNC and the Biden camp don’t know either (and as I said above, the picture at the top of this post should be enough...yeah, well, the refrain in this post applies to that too).

Update 1 8/29/20: In my Trumpian offense list, I somehow forgot to include Louis DeJoy's efforts to wreck the Post Office, a 240-year-old institution that has served this country admirably from its efforts by committed employees to make sure mail gets delivered on time, as well as Betsy DeVos's complete and total war on public education in this country. And no, I don't believe that will be enough by itself for a Biden/Harris win also.

Update 9/2/20: I also forgot about what our *president is trying to do with the census (here).

So with that admittedly depressing preamble out of the way (along with what Michael Moore just tweeted – the battleground states are very much in play, people), here’s the TYT clip...

Update: And by the way, A LOT more like this...

...and Robert Reich gives us Trump’s 40 broken promises (though, to be fair, the stuff about suing his accusers after he leaves office is still TBD, though that’s a minor point by comparison)...

Update 2 8/29/20: And here is another way to help (speaking of Reich).

...and yeah, “The results sure do speak for themselves,” don’t they, cupcake?...

...and my deepest respect and condolences go to Bill Owens over the loss of his son Ryan – yeah, this is yet another reason not to re-elect the Gropenfuhrer...

...and the Lincoln Project reminds us how Our Orange Pestilence gets played yet again by a leader of another country...

...and I would consider this to be appropraitely scary too...

...and I'll try making the last political clip here a little more upbeat...

...and tomorow marks what would have been the 100th birthday of jazz legend Charlie Parker.

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