Tuesday, June 02, 2020

Tuesday Stuff

(By the way, to be fair, it's very possible that this image was Photoshopped...pic on the left, I mean. However, I really don't care, because, as far as I'm concerned, it fits...Update: And this does too.)

Mariann Edgar Budde, bishop of the Episcopal diocese of Washington, D.C., speaks with George Stephanopoulos about Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative’s disgusting attempt to use the site of St. John's church for photo-op purposes (and yeah, this definitely isn't surprising)…

…and Sam Seder tells us about the overreaction of Seattle’s “finest” in the face of non-violent protest…yeah, sure, use flash-bang grenades and pepper spray against people posing virtually no threat whatsoever (NSFW/H)…

…and I thought this was a particularly well-thought-out commentary from Kyle about the riots currently ripping us apart (clip is from Jordan Uhl); I’m not saying don’t do anything, but the Sixties protests basically ended when college students were slaughtered at Kent State, and unfortunately, that’s an instructive lesson for our current moment I believe (and I would lump in Rev. William Barber with Killer Mike and Dr. Cornel West...NSFW/H also)…

Update: By the way (and I know I really haven’t said anything about this), I am absolutely nauseated by the relative silence of the Democratic Party congressional “leadership” in response to all of this. I (like you I’m sure) have heard good-sounding words from some Dems like AOC and Sen. Bob Casey, but instead of just The Lincoln Project running ads “burning down” Trump and his gang, WHY THE BLEEPING HELL AREN’T THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATS DOING THE SAME GODDAMN THING???!!!! AND YEAH, SCHUMER AND PELOSI, I’M TALKING PRIMARILY TO YOU!!!!!!! DO YOU HONESTLY THINK THAT DOESN’T CROSS MY MIND WHEN YOU CONSTANTLY BADGER ME FOR CAMPAIGN DONATIONS????!!!!

...and when it comes to echoes of the past, this comes to mind also.

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