Thursday, June 04, 2020

Thursday Stuff

John Iadarola and Jayar Jackson of “The Damage Report” tell us about Generalissimo Trump deciding to “inspect” the bunker…yeeeaaaaahhh (and 2 ½ times, huh? And leave it to Brian Kilmeade to float a softball question to Mango Mussolini…”So the Secret Service took you to the bunker?”…and Trump is STILL too big of an idiot to take the hint and says instead, “No, I decided to go myself.”)…

…and the “Morning Joe” crew discuss former Trump Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis and Adm. Mike Mullen both speaking out against the antics of Our Treasonous, Tiny-Handed Russian Operative in An Oval Office…

…and Kyle K. tells us about our ruling criminal regime in Washington allowing foreign entities to now apparently donate to nonprofits funding our elections and not report it…I have to admit, though, that I get fed up with Kyle bashing on the Dems for going after the Trump-Russia connection…YES, KYLE, THAT IS A THING!...

…and Farron Cousins tells us about VA Repug lawmaker Amanda Chase who is apparently worried about the history of white people bring “erased” with the removal of the statue of Robert E. Lee (cry me a freaking river! And yeah, she sure sounds like she’s running for Governor all right)…

…and David Doel tells us about Dr. Cornel West laying a “truth bomb,” if you will, on CNN and Anderson Cooper; I also think West ties together pretty well the effects of racism, including excessive force by police and denial of economic opportunity, with the current moment of coast-to-coast (and global, actually) protest…

…and turning from one Canadian to another, I give you this tune as part of this week’s musical theme (I know I featured another Bruce Cockburn song recently…well, here is another one…YouTube took out the bad word, so don't worry).

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