Friday, June 05, 2020

Friday Stuff

A resolution was introduced in the U.S. Senate to criticize Our Orange Pestilence for cracking down on protestors in Lafayette Square so he could stage his latest disgusting photo-op, but three guesses who blocked the resolution (the pic is a hint) – Ana of TYT tells us more (and I like John’s take on this in particular; to do something about Sen. Mr. Elaine Chao at long last, click here and/or here…by the way, I don’t support Amy McGrath anymore because of this...beyond fed up with weaselly, capitulating Democrats)…

…and this is another spot-on ad from The Lincoln Project, though I’m a little uncomfortable with the phrase “a time for choosing,” since that was the title of the speech given by The Sainted Ronnie R at the 1964 Republican National Convention in support of nominee Barry Goldwater, which basically launched Reagan’s political career as noted here

…and speaking of police state behavior, I give you this clip of that monster in Bethesda, MD who ripped the flyers in support of George Floyd out of the hands of the kids and apparently chased one of them trying to film the incident…believe me when I tell you I don’t say this lightly, but I hope this asshole loses his job, his house, his car…whatever, for doing this – more here and here

Update 6/12/20: Yeah, they got this asshole (here).

…and kudos to “Berner” here who still supports the protests even though his pot dispensary was apparently vandalized in a related incident; to me, pot legalization is a “vox populi” thing – I’ve seen more arguments in favor than against…I have no doubt there are places in this country where pot will NEVER be legal, and if that’s what the residents want, that’s how it should be…for place where it IS legal, though, it’s ridiculous that they can’t run themselves like regular businesses…

…and I thought this was an instructive clip from David Pakman about the rights of protestors (there is a lot of variance by state, but as Pakman says, cops can’t seize your smart phone or arbitrarily take your backpack or other personal gear unless they can produce a warrant and show cause)…

…and more protests are planned for tomorrow as noted here – here is another related tune for the occasion.

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