Monday, June 01, 2020

Monday Stuff

Here’s the latest from Life In These United States, as somebody used to put it (more here)…

…and apparently, a certain cowardly orange Snowflake-in-Chief was hiding in a bunker…are we tired of the winning yet?...

...though he apparently has no problem engaging in a battle with cartoonists, as Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us here (typical...and yet more cowardice here from "President Bone Spurs")...

…but believe it or not (it should be noted), there is actually a positive story in all of this, and it apparently took place in Portland, OR recently (also this)…

…and Kyle presents a clip of Art Laffer interviewed by Charles Payne (I think that's who it was), with Laffer being perpetually wrong on the economics as always…and it tells you how dumb Fix Noise thinks its audience is to present a chart showing the US allegedly at the “top of the list” of countries providing economic stimulus, then to see that we’re actually in the middle of the list for a second before they cut away from it…

…and by including this song from a guy who knew a thing or two about taking to the street (here), I’m not saying we shouldn’t protest, but only to pay attention to the title of the tune (and of course, you could substitute the Gropenfuhrer now for Dubya, Carlson/Ingraham/Hannity for Billo, Jeff Bezos for Ken Lay, Barr/Pompeo for Rumsfeld, etc.).

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