Saturday, June 06, 2020

Saturday Stuff

I thought this was a particularly good Lincoln Project video in light of the D-Day anniversary, contrasting honest-to-goodness leadership with what we have now (why the hell can’t the Democrats do stuff like this???!!!)…

…and speaking of phony leadership, Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about “bunker boy” building his “wall” around the White House (and yeah, it sure would be nice to know who’s paying for this, wouldn't it, though I can pretty much guess to be honest)…

…and with another nod to history (and something Mango Mussolini would never, ever do), I have no idea if Tricky Dick’s confrontation with protestors at the Lincoln Memorial ever actually played out the way Oliver Stone depicted it, but I thought it was still instructive to show this clip from the movie…

…and Sam and the crew from “The Majority Report” show us how Buffalo cops “dogpiled” a guy interviewed on TV (this was the first video where I’ve seen the guy pushed to the sidewalk bleeding out…what the hell is wrong with these people? I guess what Cenk Uygur said is absolutely night – as far as the cops are concerned, “better to be judged by 12 than carried out by 6”)…

…and Kyle K. tells us that way more $$ has been spent on criminal justice from 1970-2018 than prevention and social programs (yep, once more, a lot of this garbage goes back to Reagan as far as I’m concerned; more on Campaign Zero is here…briefly NSFW/H)…

Update 6/8/20: And speaking of bad police behavior, apologies for missing this in my own backyard.

Update 6/10/20: An update to the prior update is here, along with a typically tone deaf response from the PPD.

...and here's another song for today's protests (more here - hope JB is OK).

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