Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Another Episode of “C.S.I. – Tripoli”

So they first tried the Bulgarian nurses for allegedly infecting children with HIV and found them guilty, passing a death sentence by firing squad in May 2004, then a Libyan Supreme Court (they have one?) judge overturned the verdict in December 2005, and in the retrial that has just begun, it looks like they’re trying to kill the Bulgarians for it again.

I would say that, based on this story, the medical personnel received just a bit of coercion (to say nothing of the fact that the charges are ridiculous).

Four of the six defendants, five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian doctor, told Human Rights Watch in May that they confessed after enduring torture, including beatings, electric shock and sexual assault. Libyan officials denied all of the defendants prompt access to a lawyer, they said. In June, a Tripoli court acquitted 10 Libyan security officials accused of using torture against the defendants.
But this is OK, since we’ve said “all is forgiven” to Gaddhafi now, right?

Why do I get this sad feeling that this story is going in one direction only?

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