Friday, September 01, 2006

My Questions For Mikey

Dear Congressman Fitzpatrick,

Do you think I am “an appeaser”?

Do you think I am suffering from “moral and intellectual confusion”?

Do you think I am somehow to blame for stories such as this, which as far as I’m concerned, indicate that Iraq is drowning in a blood bath (I wonder if, after the Sunnis and the Shiites finally turn the entire country to ashes, killing practically all of themselves in the process, our august media will finally stop preoccupying itself with Britney Spears’ weight gain and anything having to do with celebrities in general to the point where they will proclaim that, yes, we actually have civil war in Iraq)?

Well then, if so, you ought to be man enough to stand on your own two feet and say that you agree with Donald Rumsfeld and his delusions.

If not, then you really are as big a coward as he is, aren’t you?

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