Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sssh...Don't Wake The Voters

The latest CNN/Gallup/USA Today poll showed that Bush actually got a slight bump in his approval rating, believe it or not, from the London terrorist attacks. I'd really like to know how they arrived at that number. I'd also like to know where I can get something to quiet my stomach, because I suddenly feel like I want to puke.

Also, I saw somewhere in a story on The Smirking Chimp yesterday that there apparently is yet another Downing Street memo that states that Bush and Blair will start to pull troops out of Iraq in time for next year's congressional elections.

OK, so let's see now. First, chronic liar Dick Cheney says the insurgency "is in its last throes," then Rummy says the war could go on for 12 years, and now Dubya wants to start pulling troops out in a year. As Molly Ivins has asked several times, do we have any adults in this administration? Hell, I'll settle for someone who actually knows what they're doing.

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