Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Wednesday Stuff

Jesse Dollemore brings us the tale of the WaPo “fact checker,” making excuses for Our Ochre Abomination...yep, it’s another example of powerful people and institutions CONTINUING to cover up for #45...”you don’t have to carry water for a fascist” indeed...”democracy dies in both-siderist stoo-pidity” for sure (more here)...

Update 8/24/24: More here.

...and I have to admit that I’m paying attention to the Dem convention in Chicago in dribs and drabs, you might say, but what I’m seeing is bangin’, especially the roll call (I heard someone say that there should be a play list of all the tunes from the states and territories, which is a great idea)...I’ve bitched about Dem messaging plenty of times, but kudos to them for getting it right here, especially on the positioning of AOC as Miss Beau says here...

...and as a bit of a compare-and-contrast exercise, I give you Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence and his hetero-sectional (heh) sidekick on their attempts to distance themselves from Project 2025...and no, I’m not going to stop mentioning Yasmin Khan reminds us, those bastards at The Heritage Foundation (along with like-minded wingnut orgs) have been trying to basically undo our democracy for at least the last 40 years or so...and to do something about Lex Luthor Scott, click here...

...and Marc Elias and Sophie Feldman of Democracy Docket tell us about 9 more states run by the “party of Lincoln” that have sued President Biden over his attempt to expand the Star Wars bar scene reference...yep, “Trump sycophants” pretty much says it, especially when Elias talks about PA Republicans...more on this nonsensical, but dangerous, Independent State Legislature Theory is here...

...and RIP longtime Dem U.S. House Rep Bill Pascrell, Jr. of New, he does what he did best, and that was to call out GOP nonsense (and he did a good job being pretty active on Xitter also)...

...and I need a minute to set this up, so please bear with noted here, today is the 50th anniversary of the Equal Educational Opportunities Act; I’m sure we’re all familiar with the Brown v. Board SCOTUS ruling in 1954 which ruled that school segregation was unconstitutional; well, I for one didn’t know about the so-called “massive resistance” to Brown, on display in Fairfax County, Virginia among other places...the Civil Rights Act of 1964 put some teeth, you might say, into the effort to ban racial discrimination in schools and public places that began with Brown (going up against the massive resistance movement), and the EEOA built on the Civil Rights Act to ensure schools accommodated students regardless of nationality and provided adequate resources for students who did not speak English...maybe TMI, but anyway, that gives me an excuse for a tune about education (well, a bit anyway).

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