Friday, August 23, 2024

Friday Stuff

Tennessee Brando brings us a clip of Repug politicians refusing to carry water for Dementia J. Trump on the border any more, including James Lankford, “The Mittster” and Dan Crenshaw...absolutely shocking to hear common sense on this from Chip Roy also, but yeah, this is where we’re at...and I think we’ve truly entered The Twilight Zone when Dubya criticizes nativism and Smoot-Hawley, and #43 is absolutely right; of course, it would be nice if Commander Codpiece would actually criticize The Gropenfuhrer by name, but yeah, that will happen when everything turns into sunshine, lollipops and rainbows I know...and none of this will stop the "OMIGOD KAMALA HARRIS LET MS-13 GANG MEMBERS OVER OUR BORDER AND THEY DID CRIMING!!!" garbage ads...

...and Robert Reich tells us why the rents are so high, and I know it’s not exactly a revelation to find out that it’s because of price gouging, which is the theme of the next set of clips...and yeah, stock buybacks continue to be the insidious “gift that keeps on giving,” brought to us by The Sainted Ronnie R...looks like these private equity bastards are using a company called Real Page that allows them to collude on pricing...more on the meat companies follows in the next clip...

...and this from More Perfect Union tells us about some outfit called Agri Stats (alluded to in the Reich video) which apparently gathers consumer data shared by the meat packing industry (Tyson and Cargill in particular) in an effort to regulate prices (following the example of Real Page as noted above), which (and cut me a little slack on this, OK?) is quite likely ILLEGAL AS FREAKING HELL...not surprised to see Keith Ellison doing the right thing here, and I’m also not surprised to hear that overpricing at Walmart has driven price gouging...The Sherman Act may be the most important piece of antitrust legislation we’ve ever signed into law, and yeah, it needs updating for sure as stated in the clip...

...and Sam and Emma of The Majority Report bring us the news that a body of work is emerging showing that it’s pretty much price gouging that’s responsible for corporate inflation...nice work by The Groundwork Collaborative (and as soon as I saw Stephen Moore’s mug, I knew that we were in for a load of “bullpucky” about “oh, we can’t have an anti-price gouging law on the federal level because it will kill ‘mom and pop’ businesses,” putting aside the fact that many states already have such laws, as noted in the clip..and GREAT POINT about keeping Lina Khan on the job)...

...and as far as I’m concerned, you can always count on Thom Hartmann for an important history lesson on how we’ve come to this point where the “one percent” have managed to enact policies and write laws (and spout their media propaganda) that afflict the afflicted and comfort the comfortable, you might the late 70s, what you would call movement conservatism was flat on its metaphorical back, but “The Gipper” brought it back to life and supercharged it...

...well, now that I’ve totally bummed everybody out, allow me to present a newer upbeat tune to kick off our weekend.

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