Thursday, August 22, 2024

Thursday Stuff

Brian Tyler Cohen brings us this clip of Cantaloupe Capone whining about how poorly he thinks he was treated by the Obamas at the DNC, which is hilarious when you consider that the leader of “Cult 45” rose to prominence of a sort by questioning the patriotism of our 44th president over and over...I honestly didn’t think Former President Hopey Changey was trying to get personal, but I could be wrong; I just thought he was mimicking the “accordion hands” bit from Our Ochre Abomination...but yeah, it sure would be funny if he DID mean to be personal, huh?...

...and Anthony Vincent Gallo of Occupy Democrats discusses the contrast between the affection shown to Dem VP nominee Tim Walz by former students/football players and the disdain for the Gropenfuhrer, and kudos to Neil Young for allowing the use of one of his many great tunes (and I know we’re all quite rightly remembering this great moment also)...

...and as a bit of a compare-and-contrast exercise, I give you this from The Lincoln Project on who would likely be holding cabinet positions in an utterly dystopian second term for Combover Caligula...

...and as the head of the “party of Lincoln,” Bronzer Beelzebub is more guilty than anyone else of depriving women of health care as a result of repealing Roe, but there are plenty of other culprits in his party who share blame as well...John Iadarola and Danielle Moodle remind us of that as they bring us this AP study informing us that over 100 pregnant women in medical emergencies were turned away from hospital ERs...GREAT point that we have the training and technology in this country to provide the medical care that pregnancy deserves, but wingnut ideology is the obstacle here as we know...

...and normally I would pay more attention to a stink bug or dung beetle than I would to a contemptible guttersnipe like Charlie Kirk, but I think that we need a reminder every once in a while of what a loathsome POS he truly is, as Sam Seder and Emma Vigeland of The Majority Report tell us (NSFW/H)...

...and I’m continuing to work my way down my list of summer tunes with this number.

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