Monday, August 19, 2024

Monday Stuff

(I also posted here.)

Here is your occasional reminder (courtesy of The Lincoln Project) that Our Ochre Abomination wants to blow up our democracy, all for the sake of keeping his sorry orange butt out of the slam “(The SCOTUS) has given (Trump) a license for dictatorship” indeed...

...and David Pakman tells us about #45 making still more ridiculous claims, this time that energy prices would come down 50% under another godawful Trump term...and oh yeah, no one will be able to price gouge if you drill for more oil (my brain is hurting already)....and I have to admit that I haven’t seen a bullet wound up close fortunately, but that ear of his appears to have healed miraculously from the Butler, PA shooting (but at least he remembered the name of the guy who was killed, so that’s something I guess)...

...and Miss Beau tells us about the latest dustup concerning the Medal of Honor and some of the lowlifes who received it from Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence..GREAT story about Mary Walker from the Civil War era and her skill and bravery, and yes, she was a civilian who was awarded the Medal of Honor, which was rescinded for some dumb reason but was re-awarded (and I’m sure Miss Beau means President Andrew Johnson)...

Update: By the way (and I'm sorry I'm a little late with this), I didn't know that this video was a response to some typically insane remark from Bronzer Beelzebub about the Congressional Medal of Honor (watch this space for more on that).

...and Brian Tyler Cohen (with Marc Elias) inform us that a Georgia board of elections member who apparently has said he won’t certify the election result unless Trump wins (some assclown named Rick Jeffares) has now lobbied for a job in the Trump admin in the godawful event of Combover Caligula actually winning this fall (another GREAT point about the “safe harbor” date for the slate of electors, as well as January 6th of course, and Elias mentioning again that the point of the 1/6 insurrection was to prevent election certification so #45 wouldn’t have to leave office...and speaking of Brad Raffensperger...)...

...and RIP Phil Donahue – Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! interviewed him here (from about nine years ago) on the decision by MSNBC to boot Donahue off the air for his opposition to Dubya’s Not-So-Excellent Adventure in Iraq (echoed by Keith Olbermann at the time, among others...and actually, the invasion of Iraq was March 2003...”This is a nation of law unless we’re scared”...Nail. Hammer. Head.)...

...and this newer tune kind of helps ease us into the new week before it gets revved up near the end...I like the harmonies too – hope it works for a Monday.

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