Saturday, December 16, 2023

Saturday Stuff

Farron Cousins brings us the story of a certain Treasonous Orange Pestilence trying to extort 2024 prez endorsements from willing lackeys U.S. Senate Republicans, and that would be Cancun Cruz and “Running Man” Josh Hawley, and the tactic actually worked in the latter case... I shouldn’t be surprised, but I am in a way (and to do something about the Texas mistake, click do something about Brave Sir Josh, click here)...

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about yet another fundie assclown who tells us to vote for Combover Caligula or there will be “punishments and retribution”...try bringing it, wingnut (“evangelical nutter butter”....good one)...

...and speaking of manufactured outrage, it looks like the ammo-sexuals out there are all in a snit over this ad from Mothers for Democracy, timed for the recent 11th anniversary of the Sandy Hook massacre...those kids would be teenagers now...

...and it looks like “MAGA Mike” Johnson was crowing against “single party impeachments” four years ago, but whoopsie! It looks like we have a “Seinfeld” one against Dark Brandon now (meaning that it’s about nothing)...every U.S. House Republican voted for it, including this guy, and to do something about our wet noodle PA-01 rep, click here (NSFW/H)...

...and I know some of this stuff makes it hard to get into the mood for the season, but I'm going to keep presenting these tunes to help that process anyway.

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