Thursday, December 14, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Kyle Kulinksi tells us the latest on “MAGA Mike” Johnson and all of the legal work he did for the looney tunes who lose what’s left of their minds over gay people and drag shows (here)...and let’s not forget that Johnson took advantage of an exception in Louisiana state law that allowed him to make “tens of thousands of dollars” as part of the legal team representing the state in a federal court trial over abortion clinic restrictions (noted here...a pretty rank case of double-dipping as far as yours truly is concerned)...and yeah, I think “Grant Storms” sounds like a porn star too...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen brings us this clip of Brianna Keilar of CNN trying to brings facts and logic to the claims of wingnut Tim Burchett about Hunter Biden and Joe Biden BLAH BLAH FREAKING BLAH!...OMIGOD, #46 WAS PAID BY HIS SON FOR A CAR LOAN!!! WHAT A “SCANDAL”!! And boy, is Cohen ever right about the wingnuts trying to own the narrative, facts and logic be damned...makes me recall this post (NSFW/H)...

...and given all of the garbage allegations against Hunter Biden, I think it’s called for to give the man the opportunity to speak for himself, which he did yesterday...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that, while it’s great that Adam Frisch running against Bo-Bo Boebert in CO-14 has raised a lot of dough from Hollywood types (4X the amount it seems), Frisch needs to downplay that a bit; yes, it shouldn’t matter, but unfortunately it does...I know what Cousins is talking about when it comes to getting people riled up over celebrities like that; it’s pretty blue where Le Manse Doomsy resides, but there are definitely red pockets too (I’ll admit that I’m not completely sure what the answer is to that either, people getting worked up over famous donations I mean)...

...and ready or not, it's time for more seasonal selections.

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