Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

(Cartoon is from the late, great Tony Auth.)

Mike Figueredo discusses Iowa meteorologist named Chris Gloninger, who recently quit his job over getting attacked on climate change and ended up suffering some kind of PTSD as a result (didn’t know that fighting the climate crisis was yet another casualty from the Citizens United atrocity, but that indeed is the case...and yes, capitalism is indeed a cult)...

...and in very much of a related story, Thom Hartmann tells us that meteorologists are finding out that hurricanes from climate change are heating the “deep ocean” and sending heat waves thousands of miles in the water...maybe we ought to do something about this thing, huh?...

...and as a predictable result of the horrible Dobbs ruling from the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR (and abortion bans overall), we now have a shortage of OB/GYN physicians, making it harder for women to get the care they need, particularly for those with high-risk pregnancies (and it’s not just affecting pregnant women, but for women needing other health services...and of course this Ed Setzler a-hole in the GA state senate is trying to take a victory lap)...Rayy Vana and Jessica Burbank tell us more (GREAT point by Burbank about how we as a country don’t provide enough resources to support people with limited means who want to start a family – more of this “pull yourselves up by your bootstraps” BS...more here)...

Update: Good news from our renegade SCOTUS here, fortunately, though we shouldn't be in a position where we have to celebrate moments of sanity apart from all of their chaos and illegality.

...and speaking of BS in “the peach state,” this video from the Southern Poverty Law Center tells us about a Georgia teacher named Katie Rinderle who was fired for reading a children’s book to her class...let’s see now, she picked books from the school’s reading list, she let the class decide which book they wanted, I think she also gave a notification to parents that the book would be read and she wanted to find out if there were objections...but OF COOURRRSSE! some a-hole parents complained about the book even though there is NOTHING even remotely controversial in it...basically, I can’t think of anything Rinderle didn’t do correctly here – God help us if we ever slide for good into anything approximating a corporate dictatorship, though we’re on the road to that now, but if that dreaded event happens, it will be because of stories like this (more here)...

...and on the subject of wingnut stoo-pidity, this clip from Sam and Emma of The Majority Report mentions Repug PA U.S. House Rep Dan Meuser, who apparently doesn’t understand the “C” part of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (it’s not called the “Bank” Financial Protection Bureau for a reason, you asshat...oh, and Meuser once said the “liberal left” is a bigger threat than ISIS as noted here)...

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report tell us about the latest ad from the “lose Cruz” PAC, which is pretty darn good (to do something about this Texas guttersnipe AT LONG LAST, click here)...

...and when it comes to giving the head of the “party of Lincoln” the treatment he deserves (particularly in light of this), Farron Cousins tells us that the group American Bridge is attacking Mango Mussolini on issues that actually matter...

...and in another notable milestone, I’d like to present this tune for Mick Jagger, who also celebrated his 80th birthday (in addition to Carly Simon recently).

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