Friday, June 30, 2023

Friday Stuff

Kyle Kulinski tells us about that utter U.S. Senate embarrassment, Repug Tommy Tuberville of Alabama, taking credit for broadband expansion in his state WHICH HE VOTED AGAINST (more here)...and from the party that allegedly supports the troops, I give you this bit of madness...yeah, nice to leave our country without Marine leadership, you asshat...

...and speaking of our military, I thought this was a GREAT Votevets ad against Our Treasonous Orange Pestilence...

...and when it comes to Repugs Behaving Badly, Part The Infinity as Charlie Pierce might say, I give you half-human-half-lizard Trumper Stephen Miller, who (allegedly) wanted to bomb refugees seeking asylum (here)...yeah, I know this is unproven, but if it turns out that the claim is corroborated later, would you really be surprised?...

...and on the subject of the great unwashed followers of the Gropenfuhrer, John and Brett Erlich tell us about this coin scam that apparently has rooked in more gullible rubes; the clip ends with some recent lies from “George Santos” (speaking of grifting lowlifes)...

...and on the subject of Why Do Conservatives Fall For Fake News (making them easy marks for #45 and his associated bottom feeders), lawyer Leeja Miller gives us a pretty comprehensive report (didn’t know about the Catholic derivation of the word “propaganda,” I have to I’ve said before, I’m just trying to present the best information here that I can; if someone has a constructive criticism or wishes to express a differing viewpoint, that’s fine – I’m certainly not omniscient...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Ana of TYT tells us about a Massachusetts woman who was trying to confirm her pregnancy and made the mistake of going to a “crisis pregnancy center,” which is just some place that promulgates pro-life propaganda and really doesn’t do much of anything else to clinically help the patient...well, the MA woman had an ectopic pregnancy which was misdiagnosed and she ended up losing a fallopian tube over it, leading to the entirely-called-for-IMO lawsuit (here)...can’t tell you how depressing it is to see our beloved commonwealth of PA getting the second-highest amount of funding for these awful centers, but that’s a testimony to the iron grip the Catholic Church has in this locality...

...and I missed this recent Humanist Report clip that could be titled “When Orcas Attack!”...wonder if these sea mammals are trying to seize the means of production? (also NSFW/H)...

...and here’s a bit of a newer tune to help us usher in the holiday weekend – hope it’s a welcome break for everybody.

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