Thursday, June 29, 2023

Thursday Stuff

(The cartoon has to do with this story, let us not forget.)

I know some of us were actually feeling not too badly about the contemptible SCOTUS of Hangin’ Judge JR given the Moore v. Harper moment of sanity...well, don’t you know that we were just being set up for this utterly awful development – namely, getting rid of race-based college admissions, as David Doel discusses...I realize this was signaled by the questions from our wingnut legal overlords during oral arguments awhile back, but the racism couldn’t be more bald-faced...and it’s more than a bit of a tell that ONLY race-based admissions were affected...and it’s also a typically repugnant strategy on the part of this Edward Blum lickspittle to lump in whites AND I and others have said in the past, the other side keeps sending up legal “trial balloons” to see if one of them makes it, and putting those two categories of people together seemed to do the trick...disgusting (and the Elie Mystal piece is here)...

Update 6/30/23: Looks like the plutocrats in robes have struck again, this time on student debt relief (here...and yeah, this too).

...and Jesse Dollemore tells us about our renegade SCOTUS also allowing threats from Trumpsters, saying a conviction for online incitement violated the First Amendment...and there are plenty of times when I’ve gotten mad at Cenk Uygur, but he made the point that, aside from KBJ, Kagan and Sotomayor were really corporate attorneys with a liberal bent on some issues (with Sotomayor apparently giving a fine dissent to the previously-cited legal awfulness), which explains why both of them have gone along with the terrible wingnut majority on way too many rulings, and Uygur was absolutely right to point that out (and you KNOW that we’re waay off the deep end when Almost Silent Clarence Thomas and Amy Coney Island Baby Barrett actually are on the right side here)...

...and as long as we’re discussing our legal overlords on the High Court, I should probably note this item (speaking of Cenk, he appears with John on this) where we find out that the wife of “Strip Search Sammy” Alito is caught up in corruption this time, proving that such entitlement indeed runs in the family...seems she was holding positions in companies that were impacted by her hubby’s SCOTUS rulings...and to think that the “R” party drove Abe Fortas completely off the Court for reasons that are laughable now, all so they could establish their wingnut majority, which they’ve never relinquished in about 50 years...

...and as far as I’m concerned, this all ties into the “R” party strategy to utterly squelch the truth in ways that Thom Hartmann points out here (more on that is here)...


...oh, and did you hear that “Curtsy Kyrsten” wants LESS training for airline pilots...of course, she took a hefty campaign contribution from the airline industry before she made that idiotic pronouncement and earned the commendable wrath of Democratic U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (more here)...

...and speaking of fake Democrats (definitely NOT Duckworth...and yes, I know Sinema is "independent"), the more I hear from RFK Jr., the more I wish he would take a slow boat back to Hyannis...Rayy Vana gives us the latest...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us that some Utah state rep named Kev Ivory haz a sad about the Bible getting banned under another one of these idiotic laws that try to tell people what they can and can’t read...hey, sometimes reality is a real bitch, dude (NSFW/H)...

...and I'm in the mood for another summer tune - I hope you are also.

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