Monday, June 26, 2023

Monday Stuff

This is our wet noodle PA-01 Repug U.S. House Rep Brian Fitzpatrick. He likes to give us the impression that he’s “independent” and is big into “No Labels” (which, as noted here, is just a Republican front operation anyway).

He had himself an interesting week last week, I should point out. He made a big deal out of meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi of India as notd here (who, of course, is another strongman type who wants that country to slide backwards from an emerging democracy). Fitzpatrick also sponsored an aviation safety rule for secondary cockpit barriers named after pilot Victor Saracini, who died on 9/11 along with 16 others from Bucks County (here).

This was all a distraction, however, because do you want to know what else Fitzpatrick did last week? Along with the rest of his “clown car caucus,” he voted to censure Dem U.S. House Rep Adam Schiff of California for taking the lead into investigating the head of Fitzpatrick’s party in the matter of #45’s collusion with Russia based on the findings in the Mueller Report (which led to Trump’s first impeachment as we know – vote is here, and Schiff's response is here). Fitzpatrick also voted to impeach President Biden...and yeah, that was the vote where Bo-Bo Boebert and Marjorie Trailer Park Greene had their catfight on the floor of the House (vote is here - more is here). And make no mistake...Fitzpatrick cast these votes because he was told from the head of his party that he would get primaried next year when he ran for re-election if he didn’t.

So yeah...our “independent” U.S. House rep from this district is just another Trumpist stooge. And in this clip, Bri-Fi tries to hide from prying eyes I guess while he rides in the “Trump truck” such luck, though...

Update 6/27/23: Color me shocked - well, not really - as well here.

...and Dear Leader sure remembered Bri-Fi here (and by the way, Fitzpatrick STILL refuses to hold an in-person town hall; there was a time when he could have used COVID as an excuse, but that time has do something about Fitzpatrick, click here)...

...and Mike Figueredo tells us that a chapter of a group with the benign-sounding name of “Moms for Liberty” was busted for quoting Hitler on its website...see, it’s actually pretty damn simple – YOU DON’T HAVE A GODDAMN QUOTE ON YOUR PAGE FROM A GENOCIDAL MURDERER IN THE FIRST F*CKING PLACE! AND DON’T PUT SOME MEELY-MOUTHED BS OUT THERE ABOUT “GOVERNMENT” TO TRY AND JUSTIFY IT!!! (mildly NSFW/H)...and in a related vein, I wonder if the cretins behind this will get busted for it like they truly deserve...

...and keeping with the theme of right-wing extremism, Jesse Dollemore tells us that the new “kind of late night” according to Bill Maher (pardon me while I gag) apparently wants to start a “war” over LGBTQ rights, which is typical for a gutless coward like Greg Gutfeld...I’m glad Jesse started his response by saying that kids aren’t getting “bottom surgery” but are instead getting puberty blockers, and surgery is only an option when they’re adults...and as noted here, the vast majority of those who start transitioning when they’re younger decide to keep doing it, and we’re talking about a pittance against the overall population of this country anyway...

...and I don’t know how many people noticed, but the Biden Administration recently played a big role (though behind the scenes) in getting sick days approved for rail workers as noted here...Beau has more to say on that...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” (more or less) from 6/24/14, and which Repug U.S. Senator Chuck Grasshole sez that judges/justices don’t make policy, which is laugh-out-loud ridiculous given what the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR has catastrophically wrought (from the late, great Ed Schultz)...oh, and as noted here, Grasshole recently admitted that the so-called “Biden bribery tapes” may not exist at all (just say “oops” and get out)...

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report tell us that some Pixar film “Elemental” didn’t do as well as hoped, and some wingnuts are claiming another “victory” over “woke Disney” (“the Mouse” owns Pixar, see)...yeah – I’ll still invest in the company in my 401(k) since I’m sure they’ll be just fine in the long term...also, I don’t know when the last time was that anybody who may be reading this has actually gone to a theater to watch a movie, but IT IS FREAKING EXPENSIVE! Let’s see what the numbers are on this pic after it goes to home video before we make a judgment, OK?...

...and happy belated 80th (!) birthday to Carly Simon.

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