Monday, January 30, 2023

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about students in Flori-DUUUH! commendably getting ready to sue Guv Ron #DeathSantis over trying to ban an African American studies course (more nonsense from the original “monkey this up” guy...interesting explanation of the college exemption here, and I'm also sure Benjamin Crump will take no prisoners)...

Update 1/31/23: Welcome to Fascist #DeathSantis-Stan, where you can be ruthlessly punished by the state for reading the "wrong" book (here).

Update 2/1/23: Well, the College Board caved - sigh (here).

Update 2/12/23: A better response here.

...and on the subject of censorship, Jesse Dollemore discusses The Daily Wire using the Bible to justify book bans (didn’t know anything about this Michael Knowles character before, but of course he starts out with his conclusion and tries to fit the facts to support his utterly specious argument...have to admit that I also didn’t know about this Greg Locke insanity until now...mildly NSFW/H)...

...and Chris Hayes tells us about the Repug-led U.S. House’s witch hunt committees (God almighty, do I want to see both Trump and Barr wearing orange jump suits...Hayes does a terrific job here IMO in laying out how absolutely futile it was to investigate alleged wrongdoing into the investigation of Our Ochre Abomination and why The Roger Ailes BS Factory should NEVER, EVER be trusted to report any story straight whatsoever)...

Update: Good related stuff on what a criminal Barr truly is here.

...and John and Brett Erlich of The Damage Report bring us this week’s horrendous lies from “George Santos,” this time about making an alleged joke about killing Jewish and black people (sometimes I can’t even...)...

Update 2/9/23: Stealing from the Amish is pretty low even for this miscreant (here).

...and I thought Beau had some good advice on not taking the cops’ word when they try to hide what really went on by using what you could call mushy language (citing the Tyre Nichols case of course)...

...and RIP Tom Verlaine of Television.

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