Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

I know this is a little old, but I didn’t want to let it slip through the cracks – Francesca and John talk about Our Treasonous Tiny-Handed Former Dictator-In-Chief and the tweets from sportswriter Rick Reilly about #45 cheating on the greens...”I have only the best scores...many people tell me how strenuous it is to play golf as well as I do.”...

...and switching gears a bit to actual (proposed) legislation, Lawrence O’Donnell speaks with Dem U.S. Senator Jon Tester of Montana about the latter’s strenuous (and commendable) opposition to the Repugs’ utterly awful idea of a 30 percent national sales tax, a bill which would have the thoroughly odious two-fer of sticking the “99 percent” and cutting the metaphorical legs from under the IRS (I don’t completely buy into Tester’s ridiculous “the Dems have become the coastal elites party and I’m from the heartland” framing at times, but he’s spot-on here)...

Update: More good work by Tester here.

...and I am sooooo glad to see this segment from Mehdi Hasan where he speaks with political scientist (always thought that was an oxymoron, actually) Loch Johnson and lawyer Barbara McQuade about the “party of Lincoln” and their nonsense on Gym Jordan supposedly reviving the Church Committee from the ‘70s (yeah, when “weaponization” is already in the title of your committee, you’ve pretty much given away the game...kudos to McQuade for mentioning COINTELPRO)...


...and Mike Figueredo tells us that Ruben Gallego raised $1 million in about 24 hours! against “Curtsy Kyrsten” as the presumptive Dem U.S. Senate candidate (unless somebody ELSE enters the primary) from AZ...it’s going to be a fight all right, especially with that loon Kari Lake in the picture (as Figueredo says, there’s no path to victory for the “independent,” only to screw things up for Gallego, which I’m sure is what Sinema’s funders want...mildly NSFW/H)...

Update 3/23/23: "Old dudes eating Jell-O," huh? More utterly contemptible behavior from this unfortunate accident of an alleged human being (here).

..and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us something we probably already know, and that is the “Republic” Party wanting to cripple Social Security and Medicare by holding the debt ceiling hostage (I admire the idea behind this video of getting politicians to promise to leave Social Security alone, but the game they’ll play is that they want to make it “discretionary” spending as opposed to “mandatory” spending, which means it would be up for renewal every year if it were discretionary, which means that it would eventually be cut one day for real...and yeah, I know what Mango Mussolini has to say on this subject, but I gave up believing one word out of his mouth long ago, when it comes to golf, this or anything else)...

...and Beau gives us his take on the same subject (not the party of personal responsibility, but the party of grievance of course...slogans are indeed still there, though...”they don’t want to represent, they want to rule”...I would only add to Beau’s analysis by saying that the “R” bunch hates ANYTHING to do with government that is successful and popular...Dubya already tried his own privatization of Social Security scam, for example, and he got his butt handed to him, you might say)...

...and RIP Motown legend Barrett Strong, with his signature tune...

...and speaking of sports and “greens,” allow me to show a bit of pride as a somewhat lapsed Philly sports fan with the news of the Iggles facing the Kansas City Chiefs in the Super Bowl (LVII I think); when this happened five years ago, I presented some “green” songs for a bit of support, so I’d like to do the same thing again now, starting with this tune.

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