Thursday, February 02, 2023

Thursday Stuff

Ana of TYT (rocking it yet again in a solo clip) tells us about double amputee Anthony Lowe, shot and killed by L.A. county cops (more here)...kudos to her for also showing de-escalation techniques that can be used successfully by the police – yeah, I definitely don’t know every detail of this story either, though on its face it appears to be pretty damn I’m really curious to find out what happened to Lowe in Texas that required the loss of both legs below the knee...

...and keeping with criminal justice matters, John and Jayar tell us about the “Republic” Party’s Marjorie Trailer Park Greene going off the rails yet again, in some hearing about jailed prisoners or something, equating Tyre Nichols’ murder with the death of Ashli Babbitt because of course, and sneaking in a “Democrat” reference again, like that word is every anything BUT a noun...

...and when it comes to wingnut-friendly media, some Newsman “news” mannequin attacks an upcoming Hulu series about police, or something, without, y’know, ACTUALLY HAVING SEEN THE ENTIRE PROGRAM! (Ben Gleib responds)...

...but the big story on Action News, you might say, is Ilhan Omar getting booted off the House Foreign Affairs Committee by a full chamber vote (here...and PA-01’s wet noodle “moderate” Bri-Fi OF COURSE voted to oust Omar)...AOC is spot-on in her response as is Omar herself, and I liked the way Eric Swalwell came back against Gym Jordan when it comes to anti-Semitic tropes...terrific – while those idiots in charge of that body refuse to do anything about the debt ceiling (note to Biden: mint the freaking coin!), they engage in this political payback nonsense instead...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report discusses King Elon I’s ruling to ban Chad Loder from Twitter after fascists told Musk to do that...yeah, what a “free speech champion” Musk is...tell me another one...

...and here’s another “green” tune as we get ready to root for the Iggles (hopefully) in Super Bowl LVII.

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