Saturday, January 28, 2023

Saturday Stuff

Every once in a while, reality intrudes and my posting gets interrupted, and that’s what happened over the last few days; that is probably the best way to sum things up...and of course, now we get back to this with the news of the awful beating and murder of Tyre Nichols in Memphis (here)...I have a feeling that Cenk is right about this type of behavior generally being rewarded, though it obviously went way too far in this case, and I’m sure these murdering cops have done this stuff in the past also...kudos to the Memphis police chief for moving right away on these killers so they won’t end up being churned through whatever system the cops have so they’ll land on another force somewhere...We’re looong past the point where we need to move forward on some kind of structural reform when it comes to the cops, but the minute anybody breathes a word about that of course, Fix Noise and idiot Repug politicians start caterwauling about the Dems trying to “defund the police” or something, and then the “D” party gets a case of the willies and nothing gets done (link to the TYT video is here - it's age-restricted so I can't embed it...of course, it would be nice if more boomer-ish people and slightly younger in the suburbs would join us in trying to rein in the cops, but they probably don't even see an issue that needs to be addressed).

Meanwhile, Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us that Ron #DeathSantis wants to jail teachers and librarians who don’t comply with book bans - he also bans an African American studies course in high school, and this garbage isn’t happening in just Flori-DUUUH, but other Repug-run states also (what country am I living in again?) - and I would call giving #DeathSantis an award for ANYTHING an absolutely tone-deaf move by the Union League of Philadelphia as noted here)... response, though, I want to present this TYT clip of a guy at a Central Bucks School District school board meeting (and boy, has THAT district gone around the bend too!) reading comments from a Yale professor blasting the wingnuts in charge of the school board (more here)...

...and David Pakman tells us that, apparently, voters in the district of “George Santos” have buyers’ remorse...makes me recall that quote where Santos said he would resign if 142K people wanted him out...high school students are interviewed, and the Republican student spoke out against Santos more than anyone else...

...and it looks like “15 Votes” Kevin McCarthy managed to get Adam Schiff and Eric Swalwell tossed from the House Intelligence Committee, but he quite rightly is running into a roadblock with trying to get Ilhan Omar removed from the House Foreign Affairs Committee (and of course, McCarthy doesn’t answer the question about Santos on the Intel committee because there IS no justification for it)...

...well, I'm glad to see that Swalwell isn't taking this lying down, you might say..

...and happy belated 70th birthday to Lucinda Williams.

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