Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Tuesday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about the results of a recent poll indicating that approval of the SCOTUS has fallen to an all-time low, though 75 percent of Repugs approve, of course (Cousins’ history of when people should have started caring about the High Court of Hangin’ Judge JR is spot-on IMO)...

...and Ben Gleib of Rebel HQ tells us that Matt Walsh continues to be an utterly selfish prick (re, breaking the “pay it forward” chain at a drive-thru food place, apparently...and how pathetic is that?)...


......and David Doel tells us that Dem U.S. House Rep Ruben Gallego is IN! against “Curtsy Kyrsten” (and I wouldn’t say that “nothing” got done over the last two years, but it was very much ripped apart by Manchinema...I hope Sen. Mark Kelly makes an ad with Gallego and they give each other a “high five”)...

Update: The last thing Sinema deserves is a reward, but I stil thought this post had some good ideas.

...and this clip from More Perfect Union tells us about workers in Cedar Rapids, Iowa fighting back against Ingredion, a huge multinational food manufacturer, and they just won a new contract with concessions from management including a pay raise...kudos...

...and I now give you the latest installment of “This Day In Doomsy History” from 1/24/13...under the heading of corporate bad behavior, I present a clip of President Kennedy going off against U.S. Steel and their pals in a press conference from April 11, 1962...imagine a U.S. president or ANY politician from this country saying words like these now (more here)...

...and Warren Zevon would have been 76.

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