Monday, December 26, 2022

Monday Stuff

Farron Cousins and Jeff Waldorf bring us more evidence for the argument that King Elon I is the dumbest billionaire of all time...and yeah, Matt Taibbi has fallen big time for sure...and to be honest, I’m seeing a lot more wingnuts in my Twitter feed also...

...and More Perfect Union with J.T. Chapman of Second Thought tell us how the billionaire couple of Stewart and Lynda Resnick (of the Orwellian-named “Wonderful Company”) stole California’s water...can’t think of a hell hot enough for life forms like these individuals (and this video presents yet another reason why DiFi needs to retire)...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report tells us of a mother forced to flee her state because she has a “trans” son or daughter – not entirely clear on which one, along with Arizona parents somewhat relieved since Dems primarily won and Texas parents dreading the fact that Greg Abbott was returned as governor to persecute all those who don’t give him campaign contributions – it’s been a long time since I saw a video that churned my guts like this one did...and if anybody thinks the “party of Lincoln” is going to stop their demonizing with non-cis individuals, then you truly aren’t paying attention...NSFW/H..

...and Rayy Vana and Cenk of TYT discuss the Patmos, MI library board hearing where a librarian basically stood up and said enough of this BS about alleged sexualizing and “grooming” of kids...some LBGTQ-themed books got the wingnuts in a lather, OF COOOUURRRSSSE!, as Cenk would say (more here)...

...and RIP Thom Bell, producer for Philly International, who brought us this hit among many others...

...and with this tune, I officially bring down the curtain on the holiday selections until next year (sniff :-).

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