Monday, October 24, 2022

Monday Stuff

It takes a particular type of monster to inflict cruelty onto animals, particularly dogs, but unfortunately, that says a lot about Mehmet (“CALL ME DOCTOR, DAMMIT!”) Oz, as this Lincoln Project clip points out (to help John Fetterman, click here)...

Update 10/26/22: I usually don't pay much attention to debates since they're just full of BS media moments generally, and I can assure you that, at this point, I'm not supporting ANY Republican anyway, but I thought this was a noteworthy post all the same...yeah, some of the typical corporate media culprits are ready for the fainting couch over John Fetterman's performance, which generally didn't appear to be bad (I think this is far worse that anything Fetterman said or did), but Fetterman has EASILY had the most negative political coverage of any candidate in this cycle because of lying Repug talking points basically, so I'm not surprised.

(And by the way, finding people to satisfy a pre-conceived media narrative is no magic trick, as indicated by the Times report. J.D. Mullane of the Bucks County Courier Times, among others, has made a career out of doing that.)

...and I thought Beau provided some typically insightful commentary here in the matter of which party you want to be in charge during a recession, which we may be looking at unfortunately; he’s right to say that you should look at the platforms of our two major political parties to see what they support, but I’m sure too many people won’t even bother to do that and vote based on tribalism to be wrong (more here)...

...and I also thought what Thom Hartmann said in the first part of this commentary was interesting about how Repugs want gas to be exported in times of shortages to increase the collective portfolio worth of their donors (as opposed to keeping as much of it here as possible to potentially lower the cost), but the stuff from about 3:07 on about the lack of reporting on the Repgus wanting to gut Social Security and Medicare is telling also...actually, whittling away at traditional Medicare through the Medicare Advantage scam is accomplishing at lot of that anyway, unfortunately...

...and David Doel tells us about the UK climate activists who threw soup on the Van Gogh painting “Sunflowers,” which (thankfully) was under glass...yeah, this pointless act generated word of mouth all right, but not the kind that’s bound to be helpful to the cause of the "Just Stop Oil" group, which is sad because I think their activism is otherwise commendable...

...and Mike Figueredo of The Humanist Report brings us the story of about $1 million raised to make a movie about a conservative superhero; the money was stolen (big surprise, I know – not really)...yep, more important to run the grift and bilk a bunch of easy marks than to actually deliver something that probably would have been awful anyway (NSFW/H – more here)...

...and RIP Lenny Lipton, composer of the following tune (among his other accomplishments).

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