Friday, October 21, 2022

Friday Stuff

Well, like it or not, I’m back, and I’m going to try and get this thing going again...for starters, I give you Trevor Noah of The Daily Show with a bit about recently arising concerns pertaining to long COVID, Vlad The Butcher attacking Ukrainian infrastructure with drones from Iran...and oh yeah, the political demise of UK PM Liz Truss (and it does indeed look as if the head of lettuce outlasted her)...

...and given the Liz Truss story, that means that it’s time for more commentary from “Jonathan Pie” (NSFW/H)...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about Not Your Father’s Republican Party trying to pass a nationwide “Don’t Say Gay” bill...once more, trying to demonize the gays and the trans folks in this country to rev up their base for the midterms by creating a “solution” in search of a problem...and I agree with the point that, if the DNC could find its metaphorical ass with both hands, then they would know how to get their messaging out on social media and elsewhere to drive their own base to the polls instead of cowering in response to the BS attacks about “defund the police,” high crime in blue locations vs. red, sanctuary cities, etc...also, the measure was introduced by Mike Johnson of Louisiana and co-sponsored by 32 other Republicans (Johnson is the guy who made bank from his state government working for a private firm in an anti-abortion suit, which somehow was legal, as noted here)......

...and speaking of crime, Brian Tyler Cohen discusses murder rates per capita in states won by Trump in 2020, which are higher than in states won by Biden according to the CDC...yeah, isn’t it funny for Kevin Stitt to say, well, “sometimes bad things happen,” and for him to be criticized for letting out somebody who committed another crime is cheap politics and disgusting or whatever, though, if the governor were a DEMOCRAT, the Repug would be CROWING ALL OVER THE PLACE about a violent incarcerated offender doing the same damn thing – as noted here about the felon in question, “After his release, (Lawrence Paul) Anderson is alleged to have killed three people, cutting the heart out of one victim, as well as allegedly killing a small child” (to help Joy Hofmeister, click here)...

...and we just recently got word of Steve Bannon’s sentencing to 4 months in prison for ignoring a congressional subpoena (here), which makes this Ring of Fire clip a little more timely than usual IMO, in which we learn about Bannon being part of a group using state legislatures to convene an Article V Constitutional convention to basically rewrite the Constitution for the rich of course (also NSFW/H)...

...and happy belated 65th birthday to Karl Wallinger of World Party.

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