Thursday, October 27, 2022

Thursday Stuff (update)

It looks like, since it’s just another week, it’s time once again for a new abortion story related to Herschel Walker, the Repug running for the U.S. Senate in Georgia of course, as Brian Tyler Cohen explains, and no, I’m not trying to be a jerk and trivialize the horror Walker’s girlfriends/spouses went through over I and others far smarter than I am have already said, Walker shouldn’t be anywhere near a government job of any kind whatsoever (and yeah, nice job by Bret Baier to feed Walker the answer...what pieces of shit, both of them) return Walker’s opponent to the Senate, Dem incumbent Raphael Warnock, click here...

...and John and Dan Evans of The Damage Report tell us that school mass shooter Ethan Crumbley pled guilty (here), so he gets life apparently, and his parents are facing charges also for aiding and abetting his horrific acts of violence (and apparently there was another shooting in St. Louis recently as noted here...such a difficult, hand-wringing problem I know that we can’t seem to solve, even though EVERY OTHER DAMN SO-CALLED “DEVELOPED” NATION EXCEPT US HAS MANAGED TO FREAKING DO IT ALREADY!!!)...

...and Ana and Cenk tell us about an armed vigilante at an Arizona drop box who is there to threaten voters of course...more here (from “Clean Elections USA,” huh? And THANK YOU to Cenk for mentioning the “new Black Panther” nonsense in Philly...and of course, Ana is referring to the “2000 Mules” documentary from Dinesh D’Felon that even Bill Barr, of all people, thought was an utter joke)...

Update 10/28/22: And of course this idiot judge who ruled in favor of the Clean Elections mob, Michael T. Liburdi, is a Trump appointee (here and here).

...and the driving force behind groups like these thugs in Arizona trying to intimidate voters is the evergreen big lie about voter fraud as we know, and in the latest installment of This Day in Doomsy History from 10/27/16, Carlos Maza explains why that was (and remains) utter garbage (it was BS in 2016, it was BS in 2020, etc. - NSFW/H)...

...and I thought Lawrence O’Donnell did a good job here explaining how SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas violated the law in plain sight when it comes to not recusing himself on rulings related to the January 6th insurrection (following up on Laurence Tribe’s terrific “catch,” if you will...good job by Lawrence also to link Ginni Thomas with fellow co-conspirator Cleta Mitchell, as well as Don McGahn and the other SCOTUS justices McGahn helped to install on the High Court)...

...and this More Perfect Union clip mentions Trumper Ryan Zinke running for a new congressional seat in Montana (to help Monica Tranel running against Zinke, click here)...

...and happy upcoming 65th birthday to Stephen Morris of New Order...

...and here's a tune to help us prepare for the arrival of All Hallows Eve.

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