Saturday, May 28, 2022

Saturday Stuff

Chris Jansing of MSNBC speaks with investigative correspondent Tom Winter about what is being called the “Greatest Failure in Modern American Law Enforcement History” (as pertains to an active shooter) as Winter puts it (quoting Steve McCraw), referring to the Uvalde, TX cops (and I’m sure this means that we’ll now be deluged on social media with a whole bunch of “back the blue” memes to basically tell anybody protesting over this to SHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUPSHUTUP...Frank Figliuzzi is also included, though the clip ends before he can add anything...more here)...

Update: Yeah, I think this says it.

Update 1 5/29/22: Good for Gabe Kapler (here)...though apparently he reconsidered for Memorial Day, which is fine with me FWIW.

Update 2 5/29/22: I don't suppose this insanity is ever going to end, is it (here)?

...and this Now This clip features an interview with 10-year-old Jayden Perez, who thankfully survived the Uvalde massacre, though I think it’s safe to say that he’ll probably never feel completely safe in a classroom again (heckuva job, Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, Ken Paxton, Ted Cruz, etc.)...

...and Sam and Emma of TMR tell us about what appears to be the Repug talking points in response to the Uvalde slaughter (“one door, mental health, blah blah blah”...are you f*cking kidding me?)...

...and Brian Tyler Cohen tells us about the thoroughly incomprehensible, word salad response from Repug U.S. Senate candidate Herschel Walker when he was questioned about the Uvalde carnage (to help Dem U.S. Senate candidate and incumbent Raphael Warnock, click here)...

Update 6/13/22: It's probably only a matter of time until #LyingHerschel starts trending on Twitter (here).

...and I don’t know who “Texas Paul” is, but I have to admit that this is a pretty righteous rant (video is from Meidas Touch – they tried to bleep him but an “F” bomb snuck through, so clip is NSFW/H)...

...and RIP Andy Fletcher of Depeche Mode; I’d like to dedicate the title of this tune to the Uvalde cops.

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