Monday, May 30, 2022

Monday Stuff

This latest clip from Second Thought talks about Generalissimo Trump trying to steal the next election and how democracy could be perverted by ANY demagogic politician, though one party in particular has definitely shown more of an impulse for that as we know (and apparently Our Treasonous Orange Pustule of a former “president” was acting like a sociopath again here)...

...and when it comes to the Uvalde, TX massacre, Ali Velshi tells us about the student walkouts across the country over our complete inaction on the issue of school gun violence (and oh yeah, there are some “adults” saying the students shouldn’t be allowed to protest, which of course totally ignores our tradition of protest in this country and shows how stoo-pid some of these people are)...

..and speaking of stoo-pid people, I think that’s a pretty good lead-in to this segment with Ron Johnson, the Repug U.S. Senatorial mistake from Wisconsin, who of course blames CRT, video games, and the lack of Sunday picnics (or something) for the Uvalde slaughter...there’s so much utter BS in what Johnson is saying that it’s hard to unpack all of it, but if he seriously thinks the federal government can’t solve problems, WHY THE HELL IS HE WORKING FOR IT??!!

At least RoJo doesn’t have to worry about being the biggest idiot in the U.S. Senate, as long as Tommy Tuberville continues to take up space in “the world’s greatest deliberative body” (and to do something about Johnson, click here and here)...also, when it comes to gun solutions that actually worked (until 2004 that is), let’s not forget this (as David Shuster pointed out, discussing with Jayar Jackson)...

...and Farron Cousins tells us that TX Governor Greg Abbott attended a fundraiser right after the Uvalde massacre, which, as far as I’m concerned, is spitting in the metaphorical eye of the dead kids, their parents, families, classmates, and other school personnel who will now be forever traumatized by this latest episode of mass murder in this country...

...and I thought this was a well-done Lincoln Project video with today’s holiday in mind...

...and yes, I know this video is pretty much UK-centric when it comes to the military profiled here, but I think it’s appropriate for this day all the same, and also because this song was written about a Canadian service member who died in Afghanistan, and for the first time since forever, we don’t have an official military presence in that country, though God only knows if civilian contractors are over there...this goes out to everyone who has paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom, as well as their families and friends.

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