Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

David Doel tells us that departing Repug U.S. House Rep Adam Kinzinger wants the legal age for gun purchases to be raised to 21 as well as making AR-15s off limits (especially open carry for that type of weapon of death...and I have to admit that I didn’t know about the competition between the NRA and Gun Owners of America...and I think the phrase “grifting scam” is apropos...by the way, Kinzinger and Liz Cheney have stood tall for the committee looking into the 1/6 insurrection, but because the Repugs are now the wholly-owned Trump party, both will lose their political careers over it...Kinzinger has already said he’s out partly because of redistricting, and last I checked, Cheney was losing to her Trump-supported primary opponent in Wyoming by 30 points as noted here)...

Update 1: Yeah, I think this says it...
...and Beau echoes some of Kinzinger’s points here...I like his ideas about regulating gun ownership, getting at the root issues, including trying to change the culture of misogyny and glorifying video game violence (though I think that becomes a “straw man” argument at a certain point...if someone gets stabbed in a sword fight, does that mean they can blame the estate of William Shakespeare?), Medicare for All so we can stop talking about mental health and DO SOMETHING about it, as well as raising the age of gun ownership, AR-15s in particular, to 21...

...and when it comes to the carnage inflicted by mass gun-related slaughter, Brian Tyler Cohen tells us that Greg Abbott was booed recently when he showed up for a memorial at Uvalde, TX for the victims of the attack in that city...yeah, I can see that the Repug strategy will be what they always pull, and that is more lies and avoidance, then people’s outrage gets spent and before you know it it’s time to move onto the next disaster...lather, rinse, repeat...

Update 2: And apparently the Uvalde school may be bulldozed (here), which is a typical move by a despotic regime trying to cover up a crime.

Update 6/1/22: Definitely food for thought (here).

...and David Pakman tells us that an anti-vaccine, anti-gay street preacher allegedly killed his wife because God told him to – huh? And I think this awful story shows a bit that you can’t just say “oh. mental illness caused this” without evaluating all the factors at hand, such as comparing this to the alleged Buffalo shooter as Pakman does...glad to see Pakman doing his best to make sure the connection between the Buffalo lunatic and the "great replacement" garbage from The Swanson TV Dinner Heir doesn't get the "memory hole" treatment...

...and RIP Ronnie Hawkins; I’m sure you can pretty much regard him as a “founding father” for many artists, including The Band of course...

...and happy belated 55th birthday to Sven Pipien of The Black Crowes.

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