Friday, June 03, 2022

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us about teachers protesting Cancun Cruz’s response to the Uvalde slaughter (and yeah, this sure fits Cruz’s utterly wretched profile also, doesn’t it?)...

...meanwhile, in the other chamber of the U.S. Congress, Eric Swalwell took it right to Repug lawmakers including Gym Jordan by blowing up their ridiculous talking points in favor of inaction on gun control (and by the way, for the benefit of any wingnut out there who could be reading this – doubtful, I know, but still – I know that the “AR” in the name of the AR-15 weapon of mass murder represents the name of the gun manufacturer...and GREAT JOB in particular by Swalwell to point out about $350 million in police funding in the COVID relief bill passed last year that was completely opposed by Republicans including Bri-Fi)...

...and Ayman Mohyeldin, sitting in for Rachel Maddow, speaks with Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson about the Repug party poll disruptions planned for the fall across multiple states under the guise of “election integrity,” including Michigan of course (with Cleta Mitchell using Fairfax County, VA as a model for disruption...Mitchell of course is “best buds” with Ginni Thomas, which, as we know, ties back to the 1/6 insurrection as noted here...all of this, in addition to likely being illegal as hell, looks like a good argument for mail-in voting)...

...and Thom Hartmann asks if this country will survive a “fourth turning” based on this book...and boy, I hope he’s right about a new progressive era arising from our current misery, but it looks like we’ll all have to wait and see of course (and do our best to try and bring that about)...

...and this DW report tells us about the ongoing destruction in the Donbas region, specifically in Sievierodonetsk, with the U.S. and Germany apparently sending some more heavy weapons to that besieged country of Ukraine, with reports by correspondents Rebecca Ritters, Frank Ledwidge (I like the line about treating the saber-rattling from Sergey Lavrov with “mild contempt”), Mathias Bolinger and Barbara Wesel, hosted by Gerhard Elfers...

...and returning to this country, this More Perfect Union clip tells us about Amazon workers in North Carolina trying to unionize (motivated by the triumph for union rights at the Amazon Staten Island facility)...

...and when it comes to the economy, I think we should definitely pay attention to Robert Reich’s 5 ways to fight back against corporate price gouging (using inflation as an excuse, of course...and I’d forgotten that The Sainted Ronnie R legalized stock buy backs in ’82, but I guess I shouldn’t be surprised)...

...and I neglected to mention the passing earlier this week of drummer extraordinaire Alan White, famous for his time with Yes as well as sitting in on “All Things Must Pass” by George Harrison of course as well as The Plastic Ono is one of his signature performances.

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