Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Wednesday Stuff (updates)

Do you want to do something to try and prevent the next episode of utterly barbaric gun-related carnage in this country? Here’s a step we all can take for sure (more here)...
...and I thought this was a pretty spot-on NSFW/H commentary from Brian Tyler Cohen about the slaughter in Uvalde, TX (bringing us Chris Murphy's words from the U.S. Senate, which, as far as I'm concerned, is the most useless collection of human beings on the face of this planet - here and here)...

...and I think it’s pretty safe to say that damn near all of us are Steve Kerr at this moment...

Update 1: And yep, it looks like this is timely once more also.

Update 2: Ugh...

Update 3: Hard to find the words to communicate my disgust over this (went into effect last September 1st).

Update 4: This country is tearing itself apart, and the usual grifters and criminals are doing nothing about it except counting their blood money (here).

Update 5: Typical for a bunch of two-faced cowards (here).

Update 1 5/26/22: Sounds like the "good guys with a gun" couldn't let go of the chicken switch (here).

Update 2 5/26/22: The more things change...the more they stay the same (here).

...and because the news waits for no one person or no one top story, I need to present this; Farron Cousins tells us that the former POTUS shared a post calling for civil war on his “Truth Social” platform (I wonder what it will actually take for this orange globulus cretin to be imprisoned AT LONG FREAKING LAST! And why am I not surprised that Lara Logan is involved)...

...and John and Jayar tell us how the SCOTUS just made it harder for convicted prisoners seeking a retrial to appeal their cases by claiming that they didn’t receive adequate legal representation...and of course, Almost Silent Clarence Thomas (husband of one of this country’s most notorious insurrectionists) authored this “kick the can, I don’t want to be bothered” opinion...

...and comedian Ben Gleib of Rebel HQ gives us a report on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi being denied communion by San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone...and I have no clue who this Raymond Arroyo numbskull is on Fix Noise, but I have a news flash for him; abortion was ALREADY ENSHRINED IN LAW WITH ROE v. WADE!!! But of course, it’s hopelessly naïve on my part I know to presume that any conservative would actually argue in good faith over anything...

...and when it comes to lives being ruined by gun violence, this is a tune that just about always comes to mind.

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