Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Tuesday Stuff

Ali Velshi, sitting in for Rachel Maddow (and commendably reporting on the ground in the vicinity of Ukraine – hope he and everyone manages to stay as safe as possible) speaks with Ben Collins about the sources of the garbage about the alleged Ukrainian bioweapons...I know I touched on this business earlier, but we need to keep refuting this stuff apparently...

...and I share nothing whatsoever politically with outgoing Repug U.S. House Rep Adam Kinzinger, except to say that he’s 100% correct to go after the criminals involved in the 1/6 insurrection (along with Liz Cheney, and that definitely applies to her also...probably more so), but Kinzinger makes one of the best arguments I’ve ever heard for not giving “Tuckums” the benefit of the time of day, especially given Carlson’s most recent treasonous garbage (and I agree with Ro Khanna on a lot, and I understand his point of view, but despite what he says, I wouldn’t give a forum to those Fix Noise bastards either)...Brian Tyler Cohen explains...

...and David Doel tells us about the brave Russian woman who protested the war on TV (more here)...I honestly hope she doesn’t end up in a black hole somewhere deprived of just about everything she needs to live, but given what Putin has become, I wouldn’t put it past him (actually, he’s really been a monster all this time, but a succession of U.S. presidents and congresses were too busy playing patty cake with him to properly pay attention)...

...because, as Don Winslow reminds us, Putin has been lying all along (gee, a head of state telling nothing but lies - why does that sound familiar?)...

...and I’m a little behind on my Second Thought videos, and this one has to do with Why Liberalism Won’t Solve Anything (uh oh; NOW he’s getting personal...just kidding...and I LOVE the activism he discusses at about 10:20, though I honestly part with his discussion about third parties, since I think they’ve been used as trojan horses mainly but not totally by the red team...Jill Stein, anyone?)...

...and if there’s one artist whose music I’ve pretty much ignored on this site (there are a few I know), it’s Dolly Parton...this has nothing whatsoever to do with her personally (she’s truly a hero as far as I’m concerned, and another reason why I feel that way will be presented in a moment), but it has more to do with the fact that I’m pretty selective when it comes to country music...I respect the artists who go WAY back since I think they were trailblazers, but I could do without the vast majority of them now because I think the music all sounds the same, as well as for all of their triumphalist garbage most notoriously during the awful Bush/Cheney years...anyway, as noted here, Parton turned down a nomination to the Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame for a really classy reason, and I think that deserves a tune in her honor.

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