Sunday, March 13, 2022

Sunday Stuff

Ana and Cenk of TYT tell us about the Inspector General’s report on how the Department of Homeland Security dropped the proverbial ball on information sharing on intelligence prior to the 1/6 treasonous insurrection (and yeah, the T-shirts displayed by the characters in the pic is pretty damn treasonous as far as I’m concerned..."if the U.N. comes in here" - you're livin' out where the buses don't run, dude)...

...and Ari Melber interviews former UN ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul about Fix Noise amplifying claims (wrong, of course) from the Kremlin about Ukraine having a bioweapons lab (good for Melber cutting to the proverbial chase at about 6:20)...

Update: And right on cue, along comes "Tokyo Rose" Gabbard (here).

...and McFaul was spot-on in the prior clip, but as David Doel tells us here, McFaul also basically made the recent ridiculous claim that Hitler didn’t kill German-speaking people (an update is here - yes, McFaul was wrong and admitted he was wrong, and he really should say nothing further on this topic except “oops” and get out, but here’s what gets me about this...someone like McFaul who is basically a pretty solid source slips on the metaphorical banana peel ONCE and it’s FREAKING OPEN SEASON on the guy (and as soon as you see a row of tweets in response starting with Mike Cernovich, you can rest assured that the wingnut outrage party is now underway), but on the other hand, the wingnutosphere runs wild with their nonsense on a routine basis, gets called out, and then does nothing but yell louder and double down, and there’s nothing even remotely comparable in terms of the outrage (yes, our side is supposed to be better, but there’s a double standard at work here for sure)...and I realize that McFaul said this on The Rachel Maddow Show, but for Maddow to be trending is beyond absurd since she basically is on leave for her book/movie project and has nothing to do with this (though she does pop up from time to time to be fair)...

...and John and Francesca analyze the SCOTUS basically saying that our government won’t be accountable for torture sites and in particular for their actions in the case of Abu Zubaydah (shocking that Gorsuch is on the right side of this issue along with Sotomayor...once more, some of the very worst excesses of the rotten Bushco years are going to get the “memory hole” treatment)...

...and RIP William Hurt...he’ll be remembered rightly so for The Big Chill, Broadcast News, Body Heat, Children of a Lesser God and a slew of other pictures (including what I thought was a courageous Oscar-winning performance in “Kiss Of The Spider Woman,” as well as playing former Bushie Henry Paulson in that movie based on the book by Andrew Ross Sorkin, which I thought was a bit of revisionist history...not Hurt’s fault though), but I have to admit that an underrated performance of his (in my mind, anyway) was in “The Accidental Tourist” (featured in this clip) and that goes for Kathleen Turner and Geena Davis also (Davis won the Best Supporting Actress award for her “Tourist” performance, which I thought was another Oscar “makeup” call, as in an award that an actor should have gotten for a prior performance...Davis was OK in “Tourist,” but she REALLY should have gotten it for “The Fly”)...

...and I hope everyone was able to make the adjustment to daylight savings time in these parts – I’m still working on that to be honest.

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