Friday, March 18, 2022

Friday Stuff

Farron Cousins tells us that Mango Mussolini egged on his great unwashed followers in South Carolina (kindred spirits with the woman in the pic I’m sure) to lay down and die over critical race theory...yep, every bit as cringingly stoo-pid as it sounds (along with the fact that he’ll be hiding in his limo nursing a McRib and a Coke while these life forms stage more violence...I’ve been putting off including anything on this for the whole week, but I guess I can’t avoid it anymore)...

...and continuing with the category of wingnut misbehavior, I give you this from More Perfect Union about activists banning books and doxing teachers in Texas (nice – kudos to the kids starting the banned book club, which should be a shame on those trying to restrict the kids from learning about the world, assuming those culprits were capable of understanding shame)...

...and I thought this was a GREAT report from Chris Hayes on how the Syrian refugee crisis started by Putin of course set off an immigration crisis which fueled a right-wing backlash in Europe and the UK, with that scenario from Syria getting played out again in Ukraine, tragically...

...and I think Beau once again nailed it here on the topic of Putin eventually having to deal with “hit and run” unconventional warfare, potentially within Russia’s borders (though I’m sure we don’t want to see that against any more innocent civilians than have been harmed already, with Ukraine staging the sort of attacks our military faced in Iraq and Afghanistan, but as Beau says, when you take everything from a people getting attacked, what other way can they fight back?) ...

...and Ben Carollo discusses the windfall tax bill on oil companies proposed by Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Ro Khanna...


...and John and Francesca talk about “Curtsy Kyrsten” losing support from Democratic backers, but they’re absolutely right in that Sinema has made the calculation that her new friends in the “party of Lincoln” will come and bail her out...will she be right? Dear God, I hope not – she’s absolutely toxic to her Dem base at this point...she may make it running as an independent, but if she thinks she’s going to make it running as a Republican, she’s more naïve and idiotic than I imagined...

...and I know I’m just a filthy, unkempt liberal blogger, but I have to admit that I screwed up by failing to note the passing of one time PA Dem U.S. Senatorial candidate Lynn Yeakel in January (she ran against “Snarlin’ Arlen” Specter before he became a Dem again...we’ll have to see if Sinema follows the Specter playbook on that, switching parties I mean...more here)...

...also, this week marked the 75th birthday of guitar legend Ry Cooder...I guess I could do a few different things to commemorate that, but I decided to put up this clip of Little Village for the occasion (in which Cooder performed with Jim Keltner, Nick Lowe, and John Hiatt...I think he has a performance this May in San Francisco).

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