Saturday, March 19, 2022

Saturday Stuff

So, in addition to being an idiot conservative U.S. Senate Republican, #RussianRonJohnson of Wisconsin is also a traitor to our country (as noted here, though, he has a lot of dishonorable here to do something about RoJo)...

...and this clip from the German TV service DW features Canadian journalist Olha Klymenko (heroically taking care of her father) talking about the Russian shelling around Mariupol, which has become pretty much a hellscape thanks to Vlad The Butcher...

...and Chris Hayes discusses the speech from Arnold Schwarzenegger talking mainly to Russians and soldiers from that country – definitely helpful, and props to him for his effort...

...and Ana and Cenk of TYT discuss Putin’s latest twisted speech on the war...lots of good commentary here IMO including the four scenarios mentioned at the end, and the last one especially is indeed the stuff of nightmares...

...and Ari Melber “brings the receipts” on conservatives now trying to “walk back” their past praise of Vlad The Butcher (repeating the clip of the dead Ukraine bodies in the hospital basement from the DW segment I know)...

...and RIP one-hit wonder Timmy Thomas, singing a song with a title that is pretty much universal, especially now.

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