Monday, January 03, 2022

Monday Stuff

To begin the new year, I give you the latest Second Thought video on the influence our government exerts on what we see in TV and the movies related to warfare and the military (with the all-too-willing collaboration of that allegedly evil, liberal bastion of Hollywood)...

...and Amy Goodman of Democracy Now! speaks with Walker Bragman about the Koch-funded anti-COVID lockdown movement (David Doel profiled the Bragman and Alex Kotch article also...didn’t know anything about “The Great Barrington Declaration”...also discussed Hillsdale College in Michigan, which of course is another conservative “education” factory)...

...and Richard Ojeda of Rebel HQ tells us that the 1/6 Committee is now looking at Gym Jordan; couldn’t happen to a more deserving guttural weasel...

...and no, I haven’t seen #Don’t Look Up, mainly because I don’t need a movie to make it clear to me that we need to do something serious YESTERDAY on climate change; also, when I try to entertain myself, I do all I can to get away from topical issues because I’m exposed to them so much of the rest of the day (John and Brett Erlich tell us more)...

...and for better or ill, I've tried to communicate a lot of information over the life of this dumb blog (Going on 17 years? What am I, nuts??!!), but this clip from Robert Reich manages to sum up a lot of it in just over six minutes - might be better to watch it on YouTube to make sure you don't miss anything (here)...

...and as far as the tunes are concerned, how about if we let George Harrison start things off?

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